Work, Calderone: employment in Italy still growing

Work Calderone legitimate Cgil Uil strike but the answer is dialogue

(Finance) – The Minister of Labour, Navy Cauldroncommented on the Istat data on employment, underlining that with over 24 million people working in Italy “employment continues to grow” “Month after month, Istat shows the evolution of the world of work and the close link with the demographic dynamics of society, which we will further focus on in the next G7 Labour in Cagliari”, the minister stated.

“We are not yet completely satisfied, but the consistency of these results confirms, once again, that the direction of our commitment is the right one”, continued Calderone. “The employment rate rises to 62.3% – he underlined – it concerns women of all ages and in the comparison over the year it involves young people over 24 while it decreases among the older ones young. The positive sign on self-employed workers is another element to look at in order to grasp the transformation in progress, which we have chosen to support through the incentives included in the cohesion decree which aim to promote the capacity Of self-employmenteven with tutoring in the project start-up phase”.
