Hedda Stiernstedt about the protracted fight against eating disorders

Hedda Stiernstedt made a big splash in SVT’s Vår tid er nu, and has since appeared in the series Börje – The journey of a legend and One more time, among others. But it was really only a few years ago that she got rid of the last vestiges of the eating disorders that developed during her teenage years and gradually got better after high school. She tells that in My truth.

– Then many things hang in there. Fixed ideas about certain types of food products and such, which I have slowly but surely overcome one at a time, she says.

– There are many insights along the way. As an adult, you cut social ties. By not going out to drink beer or coming later to dinner because you’ve already eaten. You miss out on so much life, it’s not worth it.

See My truth in SVT Play or in SVT2 on Sunday, September 1 at 8 p.m.

Eating disorders: You can seek help here

Via the telephone number 1177, you who think you suffer from an eating disorder can get advice and help to seek care.

Anyone under the age of 18 can seek help at a youth clinic or Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Anyone over 18 can contact a health center or any occupational health care.

Many regions also have special eating disorder clinics.

Source: 1177.se
