Organization: In Venezuela, hundreds of people sent to notorious prisons after disputed elections | News in brief

Organization In Venezuela hundreds of people sent to notorious prisons

According to the organization that reported on the transfer of those arrested, none of those transferred to prisons have been allowed to contact their families or lawyers.

In Venezuela, more than 700 people arrested during the protests after the presidential election have been transferred to prisons classified as the highest security category, according to a human rights organization that monitors the country’s prison system.

More than 2,400 people were arrested after the country’s autocratic president Nicolás Maduro claimed to have won the elections held at the end of July.

According to the organization, those arrested have been transferred during the previous week to two notorious prisons that have previously been under the control of criminal gangs.

According to the Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones organization, which reported on the transfer of those arrested on Saturday, none of those transferred to prisons have been allowed to contact their families or lawyers.
