She won the crown

She won the crown

The jungle has decided, the jungle queen of legends has been crowned. After 17 sweaty, tearful days, it is clear: this legendary TV diva has prevailed against her strong competition in a tough, disgusting test. Everything about the big jungle camp finale can be found here.

The finalists are chosen: These three celebrities are allowed to fight for the jungle crown

At the beginning of the episode there were 5, but that was about to change quickly. The celebrities each had to give two votes to the campers they least wanted to see in the final. Unsurprisingly, Sarah Knappik and Mola Adebisi received the most votes. The reasoning behind why Sarah and Mola should leave was similar: Both had not given enough power. Cheating during tests was not worthy of a jungle legend.

The finalists have been decided: Georgina Fleur, Gigi Birofio and Kader Loth.


Proud finalists: Georgina, Kader and Gigi.

Jungle test decides: Gigi Birofio flies

Two jungle divas and a macho – the final team could hardly be more different. Before the next test, Gigi is confident: “I can’t let these fish get the crown.” Unfortunately, he then promptly turns himself into a fish. The celebrities were given a particularly nasty task: while they are locked in a container with snakes and other reptiles, they have to hold down a buzzer. The nasty thing is that the celebrities have to hold down the buzzer for six minutes, but they don’t know how much time has already passed. During the torture, they have to estimate whether the required time has been reached. Whoever is closest to the six minutes wins.

The three of them do well, but in the end one of them is way off the mark: Gigi lets off the buzzer after just 4:26 minutes and catapults herself straight into the out-of-bounds zone. For him, the dream of the jungle crown is over.

Georgina or Kader: Who is the jungle queen?

A duel between the jungle divas – who can take the crown? After Gigi had to leave the field, Loth and Fleur went into the most disgusting test of the season: In the old jungle style, all kinds of disgusting food are to be eaten. Here, too, there is a nasty catch: the stars have to outdo each other. First, the food is presented, then the ladies have to decide for themselves how many portions they can manage.


Choking her way to success: Georgina Fleur is not squeamish.

Eyes, vomit fruit and the like – we’d rather spare you the disgusting things the two celebrity ladies had to choke down. But completely unexpectedly, Georgina fights her way to the front at full speed. Kader Loth can only get one star – while Georgina promptly devours the fourth star – and thus seals her victory. Since she was able to swallow 12 bowls of stinking innards in record time, Georgina Fleur on 100,000 euros and the jungle crown be happy.
