7 Dehydrating Foods to Avoid to Slow Wrinkles and Protect Your Skin

7 Dehydrating Foods to Avoid to Slow Wrinkles and Protect

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

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    Skin is a reflection of our internal health, and what we eat has a direct impact on its appearance and vitality. By banning certain foods from our diet, we can help slow the appearance of wrinkles and maintain radiant skin for longer.

    The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process of aging, but certain factors can accelerate it, including diet. In fact, certain foods have dehydrating properties that can alter the elasticity of the skin and promote the premature appearance of wrinkles. Here is a list of foods that, according to an article from She Findsare particularly known for their dehydrating effects and here are some tips to minimize their impact on the skin.


    Sugar is one of the main culprits when it comes to dehydrated skin. Excessive sugar consumption leads to a process called glycation, where sugar molecules bind to collagen fibers, making them stiff and fragile. This weakens the structure of the skin, which promotes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


    Foods high in salt, such as chips, ready meals, and canned foods, are known to cause water retention. This retention can lead to dehydration at the cellular level, reducing skin hydration and promoting wrinkles. Additionally, excessive salt consumption can impair blood circulation, depriving the skin of necessary oxygen and nutrients.


    Although coffee is a popular drink to start the day, the caffeine it contains acts as a diuretic, increasing urine production and thus removing water from the body. Excessive consumption of coffee or other caffeinated beverages can therefore contribute to dehydration, directly affecting skin health.


    Alcohol is well known for its dehydrating effects. Excessive alcohol consumption causes increased urine production, leading to dehydration. Additionally, alcohol can dilate blood vessels, which can cause redness and long-term damage to the skin.

    Fried and fatty foods

    Fried foods and foods high in saturated fats, such as French fries, fried chicken, and doughnuts, can impair blood flow and reduce oxygen delivery to skin cells. This can interfere with the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins that are essential for skin firmness and elasticity.

    Processed meats

    Processed meats, such as bacon, ham, and sausages, often contain high amounts of salt and preservatives. These substances can cause dehydration and inflammation, two factors that contribute to accelerated skin aging.

    Sodas and sugary drinks

    Sodas and sugary drinks are high in sugar and acids. These ingredients can not only lead to dehydration, but also alter the pH of your skin, making it more prone to inflammation and blemishes.
