Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1159 of April 7, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1159 of April

In episode 1159 of Tomorrow belongs to us from Thursday April 7, 2022, bones belonging to Romain Melville are found near Noor’s home. Summary and spoilers.

In DNA episode 1159 from April 7, Olivier goes to the hospital to see his daughter who is in a life-threatening coma after her suicide attempt. At the roommate, Noor does not want to believe that Garance is responsible for all these murders. Facing the prosecutor, the police take stock of the information they have concerning Garance: he puts pressure on them to move faster. At the hospital, Noor comes to hear from Garance. Olivier is desperate that the whole town takes her for a monster, but Noor shares with him his doubts about his responsibility. In the meantime, Bart cannot be released, the prosecutor, thinking that he may have an accomplice, does not want to drop the case. At the farmhouse, a fisherman has just found a bag with human remains: it is Romain Melville. Karim accuses Noor, who lives next door.

In parallel, in the episode of DNA on Thursday April 7, on waking, Samuel and Victoire wake up together. Samuel makes a slip by calling the young woman Alma. Then at the hospital, Alma and Benjamin flirt in the corridors, surprised by Samuel who tries to find out more about the nature of the relationship. He shows himself to be childish and Alma does not see this as a sign of interest but rather his inability to let things and people escape him. Benjamin hopes that the situation will settle down. At the Spoon, Alma confides in Audrey: Benjamin is just a friend. Still talking about Alma as they meet for the evening, Victoire decides to sleep in the guest room.

Finally, in the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us on April 7, William and Bénédicte slept very badly after having to give up their bed to Brigitte. The latter takes her ease in her son’s house, which annoys Aurore. Showing herself to be more and more disagreeable, Brigitte does not hesitate to comment on the poor cleaning of the house and the insufficient shopping. William then finds her sleeping on the sofa. William wakes her up, worried. She tells him that she is resting but William is convinced that there is something else. They talk together about their father and husband. Back from work, Aurore is happy to announce that she went to the caterer. But Brigitte has already cooked a lot. Trying to relax in a bath, the respite is short-lived for Aurore: Brigitte arrives in their room, urging them to come and eat and reproaching them for having left the bathroom soaked. Aurore can’t take it anymore!
