Police notice to dog owners

Police notice to dog owners

The Police warns about the effects of pet urination on street furniture. For this reason, it recommends that owners walk their dogs “with a little bottle and rinse your urine” to have cleaner cities. So far it is only a recommendationwell there is a loophole in this area, which has caused complaints from neighbors about the presence of urine in the streets.

In the case of Spain, the regulations that affect dogs are municipal and it is, therefore, the city council that indicates the obligations and rights in the locality. Most ordinances indicate that it is necessary to avoid make dogs pee on facades or shop windowsbut many municipalities are giving steps in their ordinances to make it mandatory cleanliness of urination.

Bottle and sanitizer or fine

The list of municipalities that require urine cleaning canines during the walk grows little by little. From Albacete to Ceuta: dozens of cities have imposed this regulation. The breach of the new regulations would mean a minor infraction with fines of up to 750 euros.

From feces collection to urine cleaning

“We are almost past collecting the [heces] of our pets”, says the Police. This statement refers to the obligation to clean the streets of excrement of the dogs In fact, the ordinances of the provincial capitals contemplate penalties that range between 60 and 600 euros.

For now, heThe Police only recommends clarifying the remains of urine. Every time the pet urinates, content should be poured into the urination to avoid both the bad smell and the deterioration of street furniture.
