“Too much has happened”

Too much has happened

Day 11 in the jungle: The finale of the summer jungle camp is slowly getting closer. Things are now getting more and more dangerous for the celebrities: a star has to leave the camp on a regular basis. After the last jungle test, things are getting particularly tight for two candidates: one of them has to leave the show for good. Gigi Birofio or Giulia Siegel – the camp is spoiled for choice. Not surprisingly: Everyone shoots against Siegel. You can read the whole story here.

The jungle camp participants vote – all against one

The celebrities are called one by one into the jungle phone and have to give their honest opinion: Which jungle legend should leave the camp? Not surprisingly, the choice falls on one: Riot Noodle Giulia SiegelThe scandal-ridden Munich native knows how to provoke on TV – and has also made every effort in the jungle of legends to drive her fellow campers crazy. Is she doing it on purpose? We can only speculate. In any case, she has not made many friends in the camp with her rowdy nature. No one in the camp is spared from her attacks – so it is no wonder that she is now receives the receipt for her ego trip.

The celebrities speak plainly: This is why Giulia Siegel has to fly

What’s particularly mean is that the jungle legends suddenly have to publicly justify their private decision around the campfire. Thorsten Legat is once again playing the moralizer: After he had recently shamelessly slandered Sarah Knappik’s character, he is now annoyed by a comment from Siegel. She had compared Sarah Knappik to the Stasi because they had interfered in other people’s affairs. Knappik took this formulation the wrong way and infected the rest of the camp with her anger.

Was Siegel’s comment really that bad? It’s questionable. But you can sense that the group is desperately looking for an excuse to finally banish Siegel from the camp. Understandably – After all, Siegel caused chaos and tears galore. One thing in particular didn’t go down well: she repeatedly ignored the rules and accepted that the entire camp would be punished.


The jungle camp stars agree: Giulia should be out.

The other camp residents see it similarly. Danni Büchner has been getting on well with Giulia over the last few days, but she simply had a better connection with Gigi: “Even if he’s crazy, I can’t take him.”

Only Georgina Fleur stands by her new BFF Giulia Siegel and votes against Gigi. The rest position themselves against the unpopular DJ. Your departure from the camp is now SEALEDParticularly mean: Giulia Siegel is not allowed to leave the camp until the next day – and thus has to spend another night with her feuding fellow campers. It is understandable that she cries bitter tears at first. Receiving so much concentrated criticism is certainly difficult to bear even for the grand dame of reality TV. The final farewell, however, is not very emotional.

TV & Streaming: How to watch the Jungle Camp of Legends

Since August 16, the anniversary season of the jungle camp has been running on RTL under the name I’m a Star – Showdown of the Jungle Legends. A new episode is broadcast daily at 8:15 p.m. On RTL+, the respective episode can be streamed one day in advance.
