Dermot Clemenger comments on the ending of Let’s Dance

In a Facebook post, Dermot Clemenger announced that he is quitting as a judge on Let’s Dance. Since then, the reactions have poured in, but Dermot himself feels happy.

– It feels good. I’ve had fantastic years and carry with me many great memories, both in front of and behind the camera. It feels like a natural way to go after we had a break, he tells TV4 Nyheterna.

The reason behind the end is that the program is going through several changes before its imminent new start.

– It’s that we’ve had a break. It was decided due to declining audience figures. So I assume they looked at, how can we innovate the concept and increase viewership. One proposal is to renew the jury, says Dermot Clemenger.

Unknown what happens to the rest of the jury

But whether the other jurors will also quit or continue in the program, he does not want to answer.

– I can’t say that.

But even though Dermot’s time in Let’s Dance is over, he is far from idle. This summer he has released his autobiography and also has his own brand.

– Ingemar Stenmark. Carol. All amazing dance performances and people you didn’t think could dance. Like Steffo Törnqvist, I didn’t expect him to be able to slide around the floor.

“Everyone wondered why I used a foul language”

And there is one memory that stands out extra, from the season when Anis Don Demina competed. After one of the dances, Dermot wanted to pay tribute to the performer, but what he thought was praise turned out to be a Syrian swear word.

– On live television. Everyone wondered why I used a crude Syrian profanity. It was wrong.

He also remembers the actor Figge Norling’s waltz.

– We had a movie theme and he danced with Oksana Spichak. They danced a waltz to Cavatina from Deer Hunter, it was amazingly beautiful and touching.

“Thanks for all the nice cheers”

Since Dermot Clemenger announced that he is quitting the jury, there has been an outpouring of support and love from his fans.

– Thank you to everyone who has watched me, for all the nice words. I see it pouring in. Thanks for all the nice cheers.

But even though his days as a judge are now over, Dermot Clemenger will continue to follow the show, and the role of jury cannot be completely left behind.

– I will continue to be a Let’s Dance fan and a judge on the sofa, he says.
