H&M shuts down Afound – Latest news – quick news from Aftonbladet


  • H&M is shutting down its digital outlet Afound, reports Di.


  • An arrested suspect for murder in Gävle

    Photo: Nils Petter Nilsson

    A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after the fatal shooting outside a nightclub in Gävle earlier this summer, writes Arbetarbladet.

    The man is said to have been arrested on Tuesday.

    The shooting took place during the night of July 28, when the nightclub was about to close. A 23-year-old man was then shot to death at close range and two other men were shot.

    The three men were already known to the police.

    Read more about the event here

  • New SAS strike ever closer

    A Norwegian flight strike is getting closer for SAS. The parties must reach an agreement by midnight on Thursday.

    During the day, the parties, including the Norwegian cabin union, sat down for new negotiations. This after the union announced that it will take 115 members out on strike starting Friday if an agreement cannot be reached with the airline.

    Unexpectedly, the issue of dispute is the wage levels, where the union points out that SAS is between 15 and 30 percent lower than competitors, such as Norwegian. From the union’s side, it is now believed that wages have been stagnant for the past twelve years.

    – We have actually stood still for twelve years while others have taken part in a gradual wage increase, which has caused them to withdraw, says Martinus Røkkum, who represents the cabin union.

  • After acts of violence in Denmark – putting pressure on the tech giants

    Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer is in Copenhagen after the recent acts of violence in the country where Swedes have been involved.

    Danish Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard also participates in the press conference.

    Hummelgaard begins by telling about the meeting held between the Swedish and Danish national police chiefs and Gunnar Strömmer.

    Among other things, they say they want to tighten and intensify efforts against the abuse of digital channels for organized crime where many young people have been recruited.

    – We know that the violence of the gangs has no limits, therefore efforts must be strengthened, says Peter Hummelgaard.

    Hummelgard also put pressure on other countries and pointed to those where several gang criminals are hiding.

    – You shouldn’t be able to hide, says Hummelgaard.

    Gunnar Strömmer filled in and lifted the gang leaders soSee more

  • Shooting at school in Bosnia – three dead

    Three people have died and at least one has been injured after a shooting in western Bosnia, reports Reuters.

    The shooting is said to have taken place at a high school in the town of Sanski Most.

    – For the time being, I can confirm that firearms were used at the Gymnasium, and that three people were killed and one was seriously injured. All other details will become public after the investigation, says a police spokesperson, Adnan Beganović, to the newspaper Oslobodenje.

    To the public service channel BHRT, Beganović says that the injured person is the one who shot and that he was taken to hospital.

  • Couple missing in national park – major search effort

    Sarek National Park. Archive image. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

    The police are looking for a couple from southern Sweden who disappeared from Sarek National Park. It is about a man and a woman in their 30s who would have been at home on Sunday.

    – We have been contacted by the police in another region because a man and woman in their 30s wandered in Sarek and did not come home at the appointed time, says Malin Axroth, police communicator at the police’s region North.

    The police are now working with information gathering. A helicopter is on site.

    – In the area, we have found a car that the people were traveling in, says Malin Axroth.

  • Truck with 167 pigs overturned

    A truck with 167 pigs has overturned in Norrtälje, reports P4 Stockholm.

    The rescue service states that several of the animals were injured.

    Veterinarian is on site and a new truck will reload the pigs. According to information to the channel, several of the pigs have died.

    Road 1070 has been closed as a result of the accident.

  • New reduction – diesel soon below SEK 17

    Fuel prices were already lower than they had been for a long time. Now the petrol stations are lowering the price of diesel and petrol by another 30 öre per litre.

    After the reduction, a liter of diesel costs SEK 17.09. You have to go back to the summer of 2021 to find a lower price. Petrol now costs SEK 17.39, the lowest price since the first days of January this year.

  • Fire in trucks – VMA was issued

    An important notice to the public (VMA) has been issued in Hudiksvall municipality after a fire in two trucks with thick black smoke as a result.

    – We have had two work vehicles that burned in a residential area with heavy smoke, says PA Ekvall at the rescue service.

    Now the fire has been extinguished and the VMA has been lifted.

    How the fire started is unclear, but it started in one vehicle and spread to the other. No one has been injured.

    It was above all the Håstahöjden/Håstaskogen area that was affected.

  • Billion fines for Norwegian grocery stores

    Coop is one of the Norwegian chains that receives a fine. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

    The Norwegian Competition Authority has fined 1,000 to the three Norwegian grocery chains Coop, Norgesgruppen and Rema, reports Television 2.

    The Swedish Competition Authority has concluded that the chains exchanged information with each other that weakened competition. In total, the fines amount to a value of NOK 4.9 billion.

    – It is a serious crime, which is reflected in the size of the fees. This illegal collaboration has weakened competition between the grocery chains for many years, says competition director Tina Søreide to E24.

    The investigation began in 2018 and concerned so-called price hunters that the chains used to control each other’s prices and whether it could be illegal collaboration.

  • More banks lower mortgage rates

    More banks are catching on after the Riksbank’s interest rate cut. State bank SBAB lowers the variable mortgage interest rate by 0.10 percentage points. The fixed mortgage rates are also being lowered, by between 0.10 and 0.25 percentage points.

    “The Riksbank’s reduction in the key interest rate means lower borrowing costs for us as a bank, which allows us to lower mortgage interest rates further,” says Mikael Inglander, CEO of SBAB, in a press release.

    Yesterday, Nordea and Danske Bank announced that they are lowering mortgage interest rates.

  • Apartment shelled in Kungsbacka

    Several shots were fired at an apartment in Kungsbacka during the night, the police write on their website.

    “One or more perpetrators have shelled a home in an apartment building in central Kungsbacka with several shots.”

    Several people were in the home, but no one was injured. The incident is said to have taken place during the night and is now being investigated as attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences.

    The text is updated.

  • Swedish police can start patrolling in Norway

    Norway wants Swedish and Norwegian police officers to be able to patrol across the borders. Archive image. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

    As part of combating gang crime, Norway wants Swedish and Norwegian police to be able to patrol together, says Norway’s Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp).

    – We will ensure that the police to a greater extent have joint efforts and joint patrolling with the Swedish police. It’s something the police themselves have signaled that they want, says Mehl to Norwegian TV2.

    She is in Copenhagen to participate in a meeting with Sweden’s Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer and Denmark’s Peter Hummelgaard.

    Norwegian police have also decided to deploy people from the national criminal police Kripos at the National Operative Department (Noa) in Sweden. A collaboration on increased exchange of intelligence information has already begun and Denmark will join the collaboration in the autumn.

  • New information in 20-year-old murder

    In March 2003, Veronica Lin was found murdered in a neighbor’s apartment in western Gothenburg. 21 years later, the murder remains unsolved.

    In 2016, her husband, a Chinese businessman with whom she was divorcing, was convicted of incitement to murder. But the trial had to be rescheduled because of a stubborn juror and the ex-husband was acquitted.

    SVT News now reports that the man has been detained in China on suspicion of murder. However, which murder is unclear. The information comes from the Chinese police. They have also turned to Veronica Lin’s relatives to get details about the investigation.

    The information has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors.

    – We have heard it from sources we trust, says prosecutor Ulrika Egelrud Bentelius.

  • Danish-Swedish cooperation against gangs can be expanded

    Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) is traveling to Copenhagen today to meet his Danish counterpart and colleague Peter Hummelgaard.

    The meeting comes after this summer’s acts of violence in Denmark, where several Swedish children and young people have been suspected.

    An important message is that the Swedish government takes this very seriously, says Strömmer to TT.

    He also hopes that cooperation with Denmark against gang violence can be intensified.

    – We see a space to move the positions forward, says Strömmer.

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