New director of Karolinska University Hospital appointed

Pedroletti takes over the director’s chair from Patrik Rossi, who has been acting since previous director Björn Zoëga left at the beginning of the year.

Christophe Pedroletti is, among other things, a specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine and a specialist in pediatric allergology. He has previously been CEO of Södertälje hospital and director of the children’s hospital at Akademiska in Uppsala. For the past two years, he has been CEO of Danderyd Hospital.

– He has a more than 20-year background in university healthcare and has contributed to developing new methods that have made a difference for many patients, says Mikael Ohrling, director of healthcare in Region Stockholm, in a press release.

Sister is forced to leave her managerial role – to avoid being bullied

His sister, Corinne Pedroletti, is today the theme manager for Women’s Health and Health Professions at Karolinska. To avoid a stalemate, she will leave that role and get a new assignment within the Stockholm Region.

Christophe Pedroletti comes in as hospital director at a time when Karolinska is in turmoil after maternity director Karin Petterson was dismissed in March for gross disloyalty. Something that, among other things, led to protests from staff at the hospital.
