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  • Tradera’s website is down

    Tradera’s website is down for several users.

    The text is updated.


  • Belarus: Large Ukrainian forces along the border

    Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko claims that Ukraine has stationed 120,000 soldiers along the country’s border. Archive image. Photo: Valeriy Sharifulin/AP/TT

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko turns up the volume and claims that Ukraine has stationed 120,000 soldiers at the border, reports Belarusian state news agency Belta, referring to an interview with Russian state television.

    In response, Belarus has stationed a third of its military forces along the entire border, Lukashenko says. According to The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), in 2022 the country had around 48,000 soldiers and 12,000 border guards.

    Lukashenko also said that the border is mined “like never before” and Ukraine’s losses would be great if they try to cross the border.

    Kiev says it has seen no sign of Belarusian troops at the border.

  • Loose horses by the highway

    There were two loose horses near national road 557 and national road 70 just north of Enköping.

    The police were later able to confirm that the horses have been captured and returned to the owner.

  • Two passenger cars in collision – one person to hospital

    Two cars have collided on national highway 26 in Storfors.

    Four people are said to be affected, two with minor injuries.

    One person must be taken to hospital. The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The police have launched a preliminary investigation into failure to observe the duty to yield and causing bodily harm.

  • 10-year-old stabbed to death in suspected act of insanity in Spain

    On Sunday, a masked man ran into a soccer field in Mocejón, a few miles outside the capital Madrid, and acted threateningly towards several people, reports March.

    In connection with that, he stabbed a 10-year-old boy to death and then reportedly left the scene.

    OK Diary writes that it is probably an act of insanity.

    The police are now hunting for the suspected perpetrator.

  • Gas leak in Stockholm

    In connection with work in an apartment building in Stadshagen in Stockholm, a gas leak occurred, the police write.

    The emergency services and the police are alerted there. No one is said to have been injured and the house does not need to be evacuated at this time.

    The police set up a cordon around John Berg’s plane and neither pedestrians nor vehicles are allowed to pass.

  • Fire at Scania in Södertälje

    There is a fire at Scania in Södertälje, according to the emergency services.

    – We are there now with three fire stations. says Andreas Blomquist, on-duty commander of the Södertörn rescue service.

    The fire started in the ventilation but is said to have spread to the structure.

    The building had already been evacuated when the emergency services arrived and there are no reports of injuries.

    – We feel that we have the situation under control.

  • Battered man on the ground in Mark

    At 03:00 last night, a beaten man was found in the municipality of Marks.

    – He stated that he had been beaten and had a headache. He remained on the ground even after a while had passed, says August Brandt, press spokesperson for the police in the West region, to Borås newspaper.

    The man was taken to hospital for treatment. It is unclear what happened as it was difficult to interrogate the victim on the spot.

    It was a passerby who alerted the police and ambulance.

    – It was very good that this passerby stopped and made sure that this person got the help he needed. It was an exemplary intervention for which both the man and we at the police are grateful, says August Brandt to BT.

  • Cars in collision on rv 50

    Two passenger cars have collided on national highway 50 at Lilla Hammarsund bridge in Askersund.

    – Two cars have collided. One car came from behind. Four people are involved, says Anders Dahlman, the police press spokesman.

    The extent of the damage is still unclear.

    – The road is completely blocked, says Dahlman.

  • Dangerous chemicals have leaked into waterways in Bjuv

    On Sunday morning, dangerous chemicals leaked from the industrial company Saint-Gobain in Scania’s Bjuv after a tank with purification water became too full, reports P4 Malmö house.

    According to the emergency services, the chemicals have flowed into surrounding waterways.

    The municipality will now take samples to see if they are dangerous for the environment.

  • Israeli soldiers use Palestinians as human shields

    Israeli soldiers say they use Palestinian civilians as human shields, writes Haaretz who has spoken to several IDF soldiers.

    In the testimonies of the soldiers, they tell how they were told “Our lives are more important than their lives” and that it is better if the Israeli soldiers survive and that the Palestinian human shields are sacrificed.

    Read more here.

  • Teammate witnessed the fatal accident during the orienteering competition

    On Friday evening, a Swedish man died when he fell from the mountain Branten during an orienteering competition in Norway.

    A teammate is said to have been with him at the time and after the police heard him they spoke The daily newspaper that it appears to be an accident.

    – He told us that the two runners got off course and that the low cloud cover that arrived on Friday evening made it difficult to navigate, says Remi Johansen at the police operations center in Nordland.

    The teammate witnessed the accident, but is not said to have been injured himself.

    – He is obviously having a very difficult time, and has expressed a strong desire to go home to Sweden as soon as possible, says Johansen.

  • Woman subjected to car rape

    During the night of Sunday, a woman is said to have driven a car to Gullmarsplan in Stockholm.

    – After that she calls us and says that the driver raped her in the vehicle, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

    The driver, a 35-year-old man, is said to have driven from the scene but was arrested shortly afterwards by the police.

    He is now suspected of rape and the car has been seized.

    The woman has been taken to hospital for examination.

  • Fire at farm in Mjölby

    The emergency services were called on Sunday to a farmhouse in Mjölby municipality after one of them caught fire.

    It started in a 1,000 square meter building, where there are, among other things, tractors, work machines and gas cylinders.

    – The fire must have been confined to a smaller area where there is a grain dryer. We are still doing extinguishing work, but it should be under control, says Jonas Andersson, alarm and line operator at the rescue service.

    Around ten firefighters are working at the scene.

    The police and ambulance have also been called there, but there are no reports of injuries.

    – There does not appear to be any risk of spread. We have also emptied the building of other dangers such as gas cylinders and vehicles, says Jonas Andersson.

  • Triggered fire alarm – broke in and made waffles

    People entered a course yard in Österåker on Saturday evening to make waffles, according to the police.

    When the fire alarm at the course yard in Svinninge was triggered, the police rushed out and discovered that one or more unauthorized persons had entered the course yard, made waffles and then disappeared.

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