More warnings from the police – this applies to the car brand

More warnings from the police this applies to the

In the past week, several thefts of car parts from BMW cars have been reported, the police write in one press release.

News24 has previously written about the Police in western and eastern Skaraborg, who issued a warning earlier this week. This after several notifications regarding thefts of cars of a particular brand were reported in the area.

Now the police in the Mitt region are also issuing their own warning after seeing a local increase in the region.

Most of these thefts have occurred in Bålsta, Uppsala and Knivsta, but since the same approach is used in other places in the country, the police believe that this crime is spreading quickly.

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They want the thieves

The police announce that the most common parts that are stolen are airbags, reversing cameras, side mirrors and mirror glass. But other car parts can also be targets for thieves.

With its warning, the police in Region Mitt want to draw the public’s attention to this type of crime and call for increased vigilance, especially if you see unknown people or vehicles in areas with BMW cars.

Owners of BMW cars are advised to park their cars in garages, keep a close watch and ensure that driveways are well lit.

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Thefts have decreased

Despite the ongoing theft of car parts, car thefts have decreased in the country.

Between 2022 and 2023, the number of car crimes decreased by seven percent, according to a report from We Car Owners. A total of 54,400 car crimes were reported, which is the second lowest figure since Brå started keeping statistics in the 1970s.


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