Summary of More beautiful life episode 4513 of April 6, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4513 of April 6

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4513 of Plus belle la vie of Wednesday April 6, 2022, Franck intends to prove that Coralie’s murderer was around the poker table. Abstract.

In episode 4513 of Plus belle la vie on April 6, the police question all the poker players about Coralie’s murder. The Liberati, Alexandre and Madame Delattre all have an alibi. Released from custody, Alexandre joins Fanny and promises not to do it again, but the young woman no longer trusts him and kicks him out. For their part, the Liberati are also released. Franck does not tolerate them being free while Théo and Delphine are locked up. Ready to do anything to exonerate them, Franck tells Céline with a gleam of rage in his eyes that he knows exactly what he has to do.

Also in the episode of Plus belle la vie on Wednesday April 6, Gabriel ends his rounds of bars at Doctor Vidal’s office. Completely drunk, Riva heavily accosted Captain Normand’s friend who had come to relax. Exasperated by Gabriel’s insistence, the latter hit him in the stomach. Céline warns Gabriel, he must avoid fights at all costs if he wants to get his job back. She has an idea to avoid his radiation: do an internship as a stretcher-bearer to prove that he can be humble, close to people, reliable and able to work in a team. Gabriel accepts, he saw that Vidal was modest and that he was doing quite well. Will he be able to comply with the orders of colleagues less qualified than him?

Finally, in the April 6 episode of PBLV, Gérard is depressed on Laetitia’s couch and sings Carmen’s opera at the top of his voice. He is in this state because he doesn’t dare declare his love for Carmen. At the end of his tether, Kevin asks his mother to play matchmaker for his uncle. Laetitia complies and offers Carmen to take a magazine test to find out what kind of man is made for her. Her answers match Gerard in every way: she would like to meet a traveling man who would make her laugh. Seeing that her brother ticks all the boxes, Laetitia motivates him to get started while remaining sincere. Gerard faces his fear and approaches Carmen, but he can’t help but tell her stories. He claims to have lived in Cuba and set up a salsa school there for street children. Where will his lies lead him?
