These 5 Mistakes Can Ruin Your Vacation With Friends: How to Avoid Them Right Now

These 5 Mistakes Can Ruin Your Vacation With Friends How

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    Going on holiday with friends is a guarantee of friendly and light-hearted moments… unless there are also small arguments. Here are 5 situations that can easily ruin your holiday. What you need to know before you go!

    This year, are you renting a villa with friends? You’ll enjoy friendly meals, long summer evenings and outings in a good mood. But be careful, some inevitable tensions are to be expected when you bring together several families and personalities under the same roof. In the Madame Figaropsychosociologist Dominique Picard highlights the 5 divergences that can appear on site. To be known in advance to limit the damage and avoid breaking a friendship!

    Going with the wrong cast

    Just because you get along great on the sports field or around the coffee machine doesn’t mean you’ll be able to put up with each other 24/7 at your holiday destination. As the expert claims, on-site, “you will discover their temperament, their character, their infantilism, etc.” All these details that can be annoying. So it’s better to think before booking and go with friends with whom you are comfortable, who have the same lifestyle, or who know how to take things with humor…

    Have different rituals

    Getting up early, eating a certain way, having principles, being more or less modest…Throughout your life, you have created habits that shape your days and eventually you no longer pay attention to them.”recalls Dominique Picard. But these rituals are not necessarily those of the people with whom you share the holidays. And discovering that others do things differently from us can quickly annoy us and lead us to compare ourselves. Here again, it is good to know who we are going with anyway.

    Opposite holiday desires

    Between those who hope to do nothing and rest and those who are restless and want to visit everything, things can quickly burn, especially for those who feel obliged to give in and follow the others.

    Dominique Picard advises getting ahead of the game, and “to agree before leaving on the organization on site and everyone’s expectations”. You can also suggest activities beforehand, and see which ones you accept or refuse. Finally, it is important to also keep some “solo” moments, to live as you wish for a few hours, before meeting up again.

    Children’s education

    You won’t be able to avoid it if you go with several families. Children and especially their education, which differs from one family to another, are often a point of conflict. Jealousy (for that very well-behaved child!) and judgment (yours shouts too much!) are often part of it. It is therefore good to remember that each family is different and imperfect, before leaving together.

    Feeling good in your body, feeling good in your head!


    Money can also come into play at the holiday destination, since it can create differences in the choice of restaurant, shopping, activities…. “In our society, money has become a way to compare ourselves to others, to rank them on a scale. Those at the bottom are considered inferior, and those at the top are considered arrogant.”explains Dominique Picard in the magazine. The idea is to define a budget together and in advance. And to plan the possible planned expenses for each person, in order to avoid frustrations or resentment on site.

    30 quotes that make you want to go on vacation

    Slideshow: 30 quotes that make you want to go on vacation
