Julie de Bona: This beauty obsession she can’t do without to let go – you should try it!

Julie de Bona This beauty obsession she cant do without

Small screen star Julie de Bona has a habit she can’t live without. This beauty obsession allows her to put her hectic life on hold and refocus on her well-being. You’ll see, it’s really simple!

Revealed by her various roles in numerous successful series on TF1 (The Fighters, The Charity Bazaar…)Julie de Bona has a busy career today. Fulfilled as a woman and as an actress, she has continued to demonstrate her talent over the years. Currently starring in the film Le Count of Monte Cristo where She literally shines, the actress has become one of the most prominent French personalities of the moment.

In addition to her cinematic know-how, she has an undeniable beauty that made us want to know more. We had the chance to interview her in 2021 and it was on this occasion that she revealed her beauty routine to us, but not only that… she also has a little obsession that is essential to her well-being. When it comes to beauty, the actress focuses on simplicity. She prefers skincare with light textures and wears very little makeup on a daily basis. She doesn’t apply lipstick, but knows how to highlight her pretty eyes thanks to her unconditional mascara. Far from her the idea of ​​applying a whole bunch of products, she praises the benefits of green clay to pamper her skin. And while some women love to get a massage or do a mask before going to bed, Julie de Bona prefers to put on nail polish. If there’s one thing she loves, it’s that.

Doing her manicure is a real letting go that she could no longer do without, “I love polish. I always have my nails done. I like punchy colors. I have fun changing them all the time. Doing my manicure is my yoga! It’s my moment of relaxation. I know that during the drying time I can’t touch anything, so it’s a real break!” she told us.
