How to protect yourself from wasps

How to protect yourself from wasps

It’s August, which means peak season for wasps. They may be rarely liked by us humans when they settle under the roof of our houses, when they dive into the drinking glass or sit on the freshly grilled piece of meat.

But, like bumblebees and bees, they fulfill an important function in the food chain and, among other things, capture quantities of insect larvae which they feed their own larvae with.

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Things that wasps are attracted to

You have probably at one point or another seen a wasp insist on diving down on a dining table full of food and drink. That’s because they’re drawn to anything that contains sugar and animal protein. But perhaps most easily they gravitate to raw fish and fish cleaner as they can smell it from afar, according to National Museum of Natural History.

When it comes to sweets that have undergone some kind of fermentation process, there is a scent that attracts the wasps. That is why it is not unusual for them to fly into glasses with various sweet drinks. If what is offered tastes sweet, they want more and then they stay.

If you don’t want to attract a flock of wasps, it might be worth thinking about your choice of clothing. Namely, wasps are drawn to specific patterns and colors. They are attracted to clothes that are colorful and have floral patterns.

  • All forms of meat
  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • Egg
  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Juice
  • Jam
  • Soda
  • Colorful clothes
  • Floral patterned clothes
  • What they are completely uninterested in, however, are vegetables and unsweetened bread.


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    How to avoid wasp stings

    First and foremost, it is about preventing and making it as difficult as possible for the wasps to build nests where we humans live.

    According to Arn Håkan Kjellberg as an expert at Anticimex, there are several things that play a role in reducing the risk of being stung.

    – Think: Can I do something for next season, tighten up, so that it doesn’t become these obvious wasp haunts. Then move calmly and calmly around and keep order and wipe tables so that no food remains remain, he says to TV4.

    Resisting your quick reflexes to wave away wasps that come close to you can be incredibly difficult, especially if you’re scared. But Kjellberg points out that you should always move calmly and calmly around the wasps.

    Most often, they become most aggressive if for some reason they feel stressed, pressured or threatened. Like entering their nest or behaving aggressively towards them, they may attack.

    think about this

    The most important things to consider to reduce the risk of being stung are:

  • Preventive work
  • Always wipe down dining tables and kitchen counters
  • Keep calm
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