Minister Uraloğlu will meet with Instagram officials today

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Turkey Abdulkadir Uraloğluannounced that they will meet with Instagram officials today.

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu just made the following statement from his X account: “A meeting was held last week with the authorities of the social media platform Instagram, to which we have blocked access due to the policies it has implemented within the scope of catalog crimes. During the meeting, our sensitivities regarding compliance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey were conveyed. We will meet with them again this afternoon. We hope that they will do what is necessary to meet our demands and we expect positive developments.” Uraloglu previously said, “Our country has values ​​and sensitivities. Despite our warnings, they did not take into account the catalogue crimes. We imposed an access ban. We are in contact with the Turkish representative, we will lift the access ban as soon as they fix the deficiencies we have indicated.” he had said. Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Ömer Fatih Sayan said the following about the ban: had conveyed: “When it comes to Western countries, we see that social media platforms are taking precautions quickly on many issues, especially Catalogue Crimes. We have been demanding the same sensitivity and fair stance from the beginning.


We want these platforms to have the same safe, clean and fair content mechanism that they offer in countries where they abide by the rules, in Turkey. This double standard applied by providers is a common problem for the whole world. Let’s remember; we said, come open representative offices in our country and prevent the rights violations of our people. They did not want to come. They did not take the necessary steps against the crimes reported to them. We said, let’s build a cleaner internet together and let our people find someone to talk to, but they did some show business with some virtual offices. We prevented all these backstabbing with the changes we made in the law. We see that they are still trying to maintain the same understanding. They say, “I read what I know, I publish what I want, I don’t publish what I want.” We did not accept this, and we will not accept it. We will do whatever it takes to establish a cleaner and safer social media environment that respects our values, is free of disinformation.”
