The authority’s new call – in case of crisis

The authoritys new call in case of crisis

Look for food in nature, the Swedish Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness (MSB) urges Swedes in this autumn’s new crisis preparedness brochure, reports SVT. In it, the authority has introduced the advice to make use of food found in nature, such as berries, apples and mushrooms, if the war or crisis comes.


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MSB’s advice in a crisis: Look for food in the forest

Sweden is today dependent on food imports, and according to Anna Teljfors at MSB, disruptions in food deliveries would quickly have consequences.

— We import most of what we eat in Sweden, and that is something you should keep an eye on. If there were to be disruptions or difficulties with deliveries, it would be noticeable in the stores already after a few days, she tells SVT.

“Community and Preparedness”

She emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility in crisis preparedness.

— That you have extra food and water at home and think, what would it mean for me if I can’t buy food? If water doesn’t come out of the tap and the mobile doesn’t work? Do I need help, or can I help a neighbor? Community and preparedness are connected.


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