Rally legends agree: Kalle Rovanperä’s motivation is enough to continue next season as well | Sport

Rally legends agree Kalle Rovanperas motivation is enough to continue

Kalle Rovanperä’s road in the Jyväskylä World Rally was plagued by bad luck and a loose rock lifted by the previous car. Comfort comes from experienced colleagues.

Kalle Rovanperä had to interrupt Finland’s World Rally Championship from an overwhelming lead. He drove out in the penultimate special stage.

Tommi Mäkinen comment on the exit as soon as it happens:

– It was a bad place. The previous car left a rock in front of it and so high that it hit the undercarriage and the car bounced up in the air and then there was that pillar against it. It was just bad luck, Mäkinen analyzes what happened.

Mäkinen also claims that the place was so bad that there should have been a concrete barrier along the track.

What will Rovanperä do in the future?

Before the World Rally Championship in Jyväskylä, it has been discussed how Kalle Rovanperä feels about the continuation of his career. Mäkinen firmly believes that Rovanperä will continue in the World Series next season as well.

Yes, Kalle can handle a rally better than a carpenter’s work.

Timo Salonen, rally legend

– Yes, I believe that Kalle will continue in the rallies. He is the fastest and surest driver.

Mäkinen, who has experienced many outings, also has experience in outings. He believes that Rovanperä will also survive the crash that ended the World Rally Championship in Jyväskylä.

– Yes, it will brighten up that moment, but it will be forgotten. There isn’t even time to stay and meditate for a long time, Mäkinen states.

Marcus Grönholm has followed the Jyväskylä World Rally Championship on the spot. He believes that Rovanperä will continue his career for at least one more World Cup season.

Despite the fact that Rovanperä took a gap year and has also tested his abilities in track driving, Grönholm is sure that he will compete for the championship next season as well.

– It is quite clear that Kalle will drive the entire series next year, Grönholm estimates.

Also the third experienced rally legend Timo Salonen believes in Rovanperä’s motivation to continue his career.

He himself has an uninterrupted 18-year career as a World Rally Championship driver behind him.

The most important motivating factor is the joy of driving with him. That’s what he believes Kalle Rovanpera can find.

– There’s no point in doing the right thing. Rally work is better handled than carpenter’s work. Yes, I believe that the most important motivation, i.e. the joy of driving, can be found when you have had the chance to play the flute and try something else, says Salonen.
