Vladimir Putin wants to monitor the export of food products

The Russian president has asked his government to be careful about exporting Russian food products. The world economic crisis and the sanctions make explode the prices in Russia also the Russian president wants to seize the problem to limit the discontent of the population.

From our correspondent in Moscow, Paul Gogo

This year, against the backdrop of a global food shortage, we will have to be more attentive to food deliveries abroad “, declared the Russian president, Tuesday, April 5. Russia is bearing the brunt of the global economic crisis, aggravated by the conflict in Ukraine and the waves of sanctions that followed.

But Vladimir Poutine refuses to admit that the sanctions could have consequences on its economy. According to him, the crisis comes from the developed countries which have made mistakes in economic and energy policy.

In fact, Russia is suffering the full brunt of the sanctions. Logistics and supply chains have been affected by the sanctions against Russian financial institutions. Exports offertilizer complicated, of which Russia is a major producer, are likely to increase inflation.

The Russian president also recalled Russia’s agricultural potential, particularly developed since the 2014 sanctions, at the start of the war in Ukraine. The Russian authorities want to develop the production of agricultural equipment to gain independence. A way of preparing to cut ties with the countries that the Kremlin considers hostile, and of which all the countries of the European Union belong.

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