Tareq Taylor is expecting a child with love Sofia Ståhl

In a post on her blog, fitness profiler Sofia Ståhl announces that she is pregnant and expecting a child with celebrity chef Tareq Taylor, something that Expressen was the first to report on.

“Even though we’ve known it for quite a while, it’s like I don’t really know if I really understood it. It feels so incredibly natural and obvious and at the same time completely unimaginable. A little baby? In my body. That it turned out that way.”, writes Sofia Ståhl on her blog.

The couple was his child from before. Tareq Taylor has a 19-year-old daughter, Ellen Taylor, and Sofia Ståhl had a daughter, Edith, in 2017.

“Me who thought I was done and had pretty much closed that door, but it turned out that our love was what was needed for the door to be wide open. Life constantly shows how changeable it is and that we don’t know anything about what’s coming. This time it turned out in the most beautiful way.”
