General Tiani attacks France, accusing it of wanting to “destabilize” the country

General Tiani attacks France accusing it of wanting to destabilize

On the occasion of the anniversary of Niger’s accession to independence, Saturday August 3, Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani, president of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland, the military committee at the head of the country, gave a very long interview on national television. An interview in the form of a review of his year at the top of the State since his seizure of power by force.

2 min

For nearly two hours, General Tiani returned to the themes he has become accustomed to addressing. First, sovereignty, which he now considers to have been regained, the fight against terrorism and the unwavering support for the armed forces from which he came. He also returned to the ECOWAS sanctions of last year, but also to the accusations against France of financing or even training terrorists in the region, particularly in Benin.

In his argument, he launched a litany of events and described movements of the French secret services in Benin and Nigeria, citing the delivery of weapons to Boko Haram and Iswap, without however providing concrete evidence to support these assertions.

Regarding the diplomatic dispute with Benin, General Tiani said he was satisfied with the mediation launched by the two former Beninese presidents to renew dialogue between the two countries.

Unlike his Prime Minister, he does not speak of French bases established in his neighbouring country, but rather ” of subversive agents of French intelligence ” present in Benin for ” destabilize » Niger.

Regarding the Alliance of Sahel States, he is satisfied with the cooperation with Mali and Burkina. According to him, the Confederation launched on July 6 is a ” intermediate stage » « we are going towards the Federation ” between the three states, he announced.

Read alsoNiger: Prime Minister accuses Benin and France of wanting to destabilize his country

In his exchange with the national television journalist, he did not mention the court decision ordering the release of four former ministers of the fallen regime. The execution of this decision is slow to be implemented, but in this festive period conducive to state pardons, the releases could take place in the coming weeks.

Read alsoBenin-Niger Crisis: A Nigerien Delegation in Cotonou Met Patrice Talon
