This is how the Finns played sports on Saturday morning in Paris | Sports in a nutshell

This is how the Finns played sports on Saturday morning

Urho Kujanpää and Eveliina Määttänen were the Finns of Saturday’s morning session in the athletics of the Paris Olympics.

Paris Olympics on channels 26.7.–11.8. Go to the competition website here. You can find the entire program of the games here.

Finns have so far been seen on the Saturday of the Olympic Games, among other things, in athletics.

Eveliina Määttanen a distance of 800 meters instead of the fourth in the collection heats. In yesterday’s heat he ran a time of 2:00.02 and now almost the same 2:00.38.

– The short recovery time was pretty brutal. After yesterday’s run, it took several hours to get to camp and a few hours to catch up on sleep, Määttänen said.

– Quite an exciting experience, but I was able to sleep quite well and recover with a relaxed mind.

Urho Kujanpää jumped six times in qualifying. From 540 two drops and an over, then from 560 three drops.

560 would have been the best of the season for Kujanpää, and the 27-year-old did not exceed that this time.

More job mail was received from the Finnish team. Kaarle Tapper has fallen ill and had to leave the race in the middle according to the doctor’s instructions.

A very disappointed Tapper did not want to comment further on the matter. 28-year-old Tapper was 23rd in ILCA7 after four starts.

A triple jumper who was injured on Friday evening Senni Salminen posted a heartbreaking Instagram post.

There are only three broken hearts in the caption. In addition, Salminen has published two pictures when he is lying in pain on a stretcher and then he is being carried away on a stretcher.

At the time of writing this, Finns are up and running in golf, sailing and dressage.

Events are followed moment by moment in this article.
