the first figures on the impact of the Olympic Games on tourism – L’Express

the first figures on the impact of the Olympic Games

“The sporting performances and the tourist numbers are extremely encouraging, testifying to the success of the event,” Alexandra Dublanche said this Friday, August 2, in the press release from Choose Paris Region, of which she is the president. This trend is confirmed by the air traffic figures. The Paris 2024 Olympic Games are attracting. The international attractiveness agency anticipates an 8% increase in air arrivals over the period from July 23 to August 12. This represents a total of 450,600 international tourists expected at the airports.

The other indicator, to which Choose Paris Region gives importance, is hotel occupancy. It is currently at 80%, which represents a considerable increase estimated at 15% compared to last year. “The Games effect accelerates (hotel) bookings in Paris Île-de-France”, according to the agency. Visitors spend an average of 389 euros for a hotel room in the capital over the period from June to August (i.e. + 24% compared to 2023) and the average price of furnished accommodation and seasonal rentals amounts to 234 euros per night in July 2024, an increase of 40% compared to July 2023.

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If Alexandra Dublanche can say she is “delighted [e] “The success and enthusiasm on D+7 of the opening of the Olympic Games” is largely due to the international clientele. “Initially expected between 10 and 12%, [elle] already represents 18% of visitors to the Games, 82% of whom are French,” the press release states. The American contingent is the driving force behind this international clientele, of which they represent almost a third, or 29% of the market share. They are 27% more numerous than a year ago.

The Americans are landing

Due to the volume represented by the Americans, their dynamic is significant. When we look at the second, the Canadians already represent only 6% of the market share. A rate reduced by 1.7 points compared to last year. The most significant progression in terms of volume concerns the Irish, who have doubled their number of nationals on French soil, with a rate of 104%.

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While the opening ceremony sparked its share of debates within France, its attendance – estimated at 358,500 tourists, including 221,600 foreigners – allows us to measure the attractiveness of the Olympic Games to foreign customers. Here again, American domination was felt, representing 23% of all foreign tourists who attended the opening of the Games. That night, hotels announced an occupancy rate of 90%, showing full rooms.

In its report, Choose Paris Region also offers a scan of the attendance of the various Olympic sites in the region. Two sites were examined closely: the Stade de France and the swimming pool at La Défense Arena, where our national champion Léon Marchand won three gold medals on his own. The first site recorded an estimated peak attendance of 143,100 visitors, while the second recorded several peaks of 50,000 visitors. The swimming events will continue until August 4.
