The date of Mahmut Abbas’s arrival in Turkey has been announced!

It was announced that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will visit Turkey on August 14-15.

Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun shared the following on his social media account: “Mr. Abbas, who will meet with our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday, August 14, will address the General Assembly of our Gazi Assembly on Wednesday, August 15.”


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had recently said that they had invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, but Abbas had not responded positively. Speaking in Rize, Erdoğan said, “We will manage the process accordingly.”

Erdoğan’s statements on the subject were as follows;

Just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we will do the same to them. There is nothing not to do. Only we should be strong, so what can we do with these steps? Let’s take them. If we are saying “yes, Allah” against Israel today, if we have cut off all trade with them, if we have cut off our relations… One of them, excuse me, is a rude person, and Mahmoud Abbas should be made to speak in our parliament. Who is this? Refah has one man, he probably has mental problems. Who is telling you that we did not invite Mahmoud Abbas? We invited him, but unfortunately Mahmoud Abbas could not give us a positive response. We will also manage the process from now on accordingly. While we are taking all these steps, we are unfortunately being shot from within. Who have we not opened this parliament to? We will open our parliament to everyone who is on the right path. But they are not aware of these things. If a few people from your party entered the parliament today, they did so thanks to us, see this. But he has too many eyes to see this, he doesn’t see it.
This content was published by Ufuk Dağ
