Bachelorette couple Sonja and William go their separate ways

Since Sonja Livbom gave her last rose to William Palmblad in this year’s “Bachelorette” in TV4, the couple have stayed together.
But now they announce via social media that they have chosen to separate.
“Now we have chosen to go our separate ways,” they write.

It has been about a year since Sonja and William became a couple and a lot has happened during that year. At the beginning of June, they told TV4 Nyheterna about the year after “Bachelorette” and were both full of anticipation for what the future would have to offer.

But then the news came on Instagram that they had chosen to go their separate ways.

“Always boring and having to tell about less fun news, but now we have chosen to go our separate ways. We still have so much love for each other and will look back on this time with joy,” they write in the post.

“Everything has its time and life has so much to offer, we cry, heal, accept. Right now we both need to land in this and of course ask for your love and respect for it,” they write further.

“The most important thing is to follow your heart”

The comments to the post are pouring in, including from the two presenters Malin Stenbäck and Edvin Törnblom.

“Oh! Nice of you, sad to hear. But the most important thing is to follow your heart, you both deserve the best,” writes Stenbäck.

“Darlings. I wish you both all the best,” writes Törnblom.

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