Water retention: 6 foods to eat urgently according to our expert for light legs this summer

Water retention 6 foods to eat urgently according to our

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    in collaboration with

    Alexandra Murcier (Freelance dietician-nutritionist)

    Heavy legs, this symptom, although often underestimated, can have a significant impact on the quality of life of the individuals concerned. To quickly reduce swelling and avoid water retention, here are 6 foods to favor on your plate during the summer.

    Heavy legs often manifest as a feeling of heaviness, fatigue and sometimes even pain in the lower limbs. This symptom is frequently associated with circulatory disorders, including venous insufficiency. Find out which foods can help reduce swelling quickly.

    Water retention: what is it?

    Water retention, also called edema, is an accumulation of water in certain parts of the body.

    In fact, when our body is unable to drain excess water, it accumulates in tissues generally located in the lower body: the legs, ankles, etc. Edema then appears.

    Disorders of venous or lymphatic circulation may be responsible. But heat, which dilates the blood vessels, prolonged immobility, hormonal imbalance or even taking certain medications (such as corticosteroids, antihypertensives, neuroleptic treatments and hormonal treatments) can also be the cause of these edemas.

    Fruits and vegetables: excellent allies

    To combat water retention, capitalizing on fruits and vegetables is a wise strategy.

    Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables combined with a reduction in salt intake helps to re-establish a correct potassium/sodium ratio; essential for reducing swelling and discomfort linked to water retention.

    Top 6 foods to favor

    To reduce swelling and avoid water retention, you should focus on foods rich in potassium.“, reveals Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist.

    So it’s about:

    • the lawyer;
    • the artichoke;
    • dried fruits (dried apricots, dried figs, dried bananas);
    • bananas, “very rich in potassium also” ;
    • Potato “which also contains a lot of potassium”;
    • The leek. “It is a diuretic food that may be interesting to include“, assures the specialist.

    You should also reduce your salt intake (taste before adding salt, use more spices, etc.) and hydrate yourself as much as possible (excluding tea and coffee).“, the expert concludes.
