Gifted, traumatized by the Tokyo Olympics, who is Cassandre Beaugrand?

Gifted traumatized by the Tokyo Olympics who is Cassandre Beaugrand

A triathlete with high potential, Cassandre Beaugrand approaches the Paris Olympics with a spirit of revenge after her failure in Japan.

Born in Livry-Gargan on May 23, 1997, Cassandre Beaugrand comes from a family of athletes. Ludovic Beaugrand is a high-level coach, passionate about athletics and triathlon. He looked after Laure Guillevin, his future partner and mother of their two children (Paul and Cassandre). The latter was a specialist in middle-distance and cross-country. Affected by illness, she passed away in 2007 and unfortunately did not witness her daughter’s exploits. With an impressive stride, Cassandre Beaugrand, trained by her father, rules the roost in cross-country. But another sport has taken up almost as much of her time as athletics since childhood: swimming. This passion is shared by her little brother. The family moved to the Cercle des Nageurs d’Antibes in 2010. Pushed into a corner by her father, she added cycling in the middle of the same decade. To date, this remains her slight weak point. In 2015, affected by a feeling of weariness, she joined Montpellier and a new coach Stéphanie Deanaz with a bac ES in her pocket. Passionate about photography and shopping, Cassandre Beaugrand relies above all on her innate qualities to defeat her opponents. She frankly admits that she does not hurt herself
in training, since her natural talent is enough for her to get good results. That was before the fall. After a 2016 Olympics as a discovery (30th), the person concerned aims, in view of her performances, for the highest step in Tokyo. On the same course where she had triumphed during the test event, she abandons while she is distanced from the swim. A day without, and a period that follows where she is “at the bottom of the lap”. To relaunch, she gives a new turn to her career with the ambition of getting out of her comfort zone. In 2022, she joins England and Loughborough, where she now trains in the group of Alex Yee, Olympic vice-champion, under the orders of Gavin Smith. A salutary change of method that has given her back a taste for effort. The Olympic dream is possible again.

What is Cassandre Beaugrand’s track record?

A gifted athlete in her discipline, Cassandre Beaugrand has won nearly 40 continental and international medals, both individually and in relays. These include world titles (2020, 2022) and European titles (2018, 2022). She also won a bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics in the mixed relay (2020).

What is Cassandre Beaugrand’s salary?

It is difficult to make a living from triathlon. If athletes are dependent on competition results, they need the support of private partners. Several brands (Adidas, Oakley, FDJ, Skoda) support Cassandre Beaugrand. She also receives a high-level sports scholarship from Loughborough University.

Who is Cassandre Beaugrand’s companion?

Since 2022, the Frenchwoman has been in a relationship with British swimmer Hector Pardoe. The two athletes started a relationship in Montpellier. He returned to Loughborough University to study economics and business, where he was joined by his partner.
