The leaders of the countries react to the assassination of the Hamas leader | News in brief

Countries supporting Palestine condemn the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. The US says it is trying to calm the situation.

Heads of states around the world reacted to the news of the political leader of the Hamas terrorist organization to Ismail Haniyeh of assassination.

President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas condemns the killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh. In his statement, Abbas calls the incident a cowardly assassination.

The assassination took place in Tehran, Iran, and the Iranian Security Council is said to have convened an extra meeting because of the assassination.

– Haniyeh’s martyrdom in Tehran will strengthen the unbreakable bond between Tehran, Palestine and the resistance movement, a spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nasser Canaan commented to the state media.

Turkey, which supports the Palestinians, sees the attack as aimed at spreading the Gaza war into a “regional conflict”.

– Again it is revealed that (the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin) Netanyahu the administration has no intention of pursuing peace, the Turkish Foreign Ministry writes in a press release.

Russia condemns what happened as a “political murder”.

– This is a completely unacceptable political murder that will further escalate tensions, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov comment.

Israel’s ally the United States emphasizes restraint. US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin says that war is not necessary in the Middle East.

“We’re going to work tirelessly to make sure we do something to defuse the situation,” says Austin.

However, Austin adds that the United States will defend Israel if it is the target of new attacks.

Source: Reuters, AFP, AP

The story was corrected on 31 July 2024 at 8:59 am Nasser Kanaani is Iranian, not Israeli.
