Burnt house in Staffanstorp – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • Burnt house in Staffanstorp

    An abandoned house in Staffanstorp has caught fire.

    – A passer-by alerted us at 05.22. The house is on fire, but there is no risk of it spreading to other properties, says Kim Bengtsson Friis, alarm and line operator at the rescue service.

    The police are on site to assist the emergency services.

    It is still unclear how the fire started, which will be investigated.


  • Hamas leader killed in Iran

    Hamas leader Ismail Haniya has been killed in an attack in Tehran, writes the New York Times. According to Iran’s state media Irna, the attack must have taken place in his home. His bodyguard is also said to have been killed.

    Ismail Haniya was formally the highest political leader of Hamas. He was chairman of the movement’s highest decision-making body and was an international face. According to previous media reports, he has also lived in Qatar.

    Read more here.

  • The police: Boaorm found last night

    In a taped plastic tray at the police station, next to the outgoing mail folder, the snake awaits its owner. Photo: The police

    The police in Uppsala has an unusual inmate, and it can be stated with all certainty that it squirms on every question.

    During the night of Wednesday, the snake was found by a passerby on a road in Karlholmsbruk in Tierp municipality.

    It is described as “brown spotted, heavy and about two meters long”.

    The police are convinced it is a boa constrictor.

    – We hope that it has an owner who wakes up and sees that the terrarium is empty, says Daniel Vinge at the police command center.

    – Otherwise, there will probably be a call to Jonas Wahlström at Skansen. He has helped us before.

    Is the snake yours or do you know whose it is? Call the police on 11414.

  • Supervisor raped high school student

    A man in his 40s from Örebro county has been sentenced to prison for raping a female high school student he was a tutor for, writes Nerikes Allehanda.

    The student arrived in Örebro from another part of the country in March to complete a two-week internship with the man as supervisor.

    When the woman then told her teacher about the abuse, it turned out that the student who practiced with the man the year before had also been exposed.

    The man is sentenced to three years in prison for having raped one woman and sexually molested the other. He is also convicted of weapons and drug offenses after the police found a small amount of military ammunition, large amounts of civilian ammunition and various types of narcotics in his home.

  • Man arrested for attempted murder – one to hospital

    A man was taken to hospital by ambulance after a violent crime in a house in Sunne municipality late on Tuesday evening.

    Police were alerted at 11:56 p.m. and have started a preliminary investigation into attempted murder.

    A man is arrested and suspected of the crime.

    – They are familiar with each other but not in a close relationship, says Jan Matérne, officer on duty at the police.

    The injured man was conscious when he was taken to hospital. The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Police car in collision with moped car

    A police car and a moped car were involved in a traffic accident in Jordbro, south of Stockholm, during the night to Wednesday.

    Emergency services and an ambulance were alerted by the police patrol at 00:39.

    The accident occurred at an exit from Nynäsvägen.

    – The moped has driven into the side of the police car. There shouldn’t be any personal injuries, says Ola Österling at the police’s regional command center.

    The police car is said not to have been called out in connection with the accident.

  • A person shot in Bro

    Police on site in Upplands-bro. Photo: Blåljus Sthlm

    A person has been found shot outdoors in Upplands-Bro northwest of Stockholm.

    An extensive police operation is underway in the area.

    – Several shots have been fired. I don’t know how many people have met the person, says Ola Österling at the police’s regional command centre.

    The police were alerted to the shooting at 9.58pm on Tuesday evening.

    Read more here.

  • Bricks thrown at police outside mosque in Southport

    Police car in flames. Photo: Richard McCarthy/AP

    Bricks, bottles and stones have been thrown at police outside a mosque in Southport, write Sky News.

    Tensions have flared between a large group of people and the police.

    According to Sky News, one police officer can be seen with blood on his face, and a “number” of officers have suffered minor injuries.

    Firecrackers have also been heard at the scene.

    Three children have died as a result of a knife attack in Southport on Monday.

    Read more in Aftonbladet’s article.

  • Extensive landslides in Norway

    A “gigantic” landslide has hit the municipality of Porsanger in Norway, writes The daily newspaper.

    Now 250 households are without water.

    There is a traffic ban at the site of the landslide.

    There is no forecast for when the water will come back on.

  • Project 2025 summit resigns after Trump ire

    Paul Dans resigns. Photo: George Walker IV/AP

    The Trump campaign is mad about the uproar over “Project 2025”, reports Washington Post.

    Now the policy business is winding down at the same time as the director and former Trump underling Paul Dans is resigning.

    The conservative Heritage foundation behind “Project 2025” wanted to greatly strengthen the president’s power, limit the right to abortion and give the president the opportunity to fire tens of thousands of non-political civil servants.

    The Democrats have come down hard on the project, claiming it is a threat to democracy.

    “Donald Trump has been very clear that he has nothing to do with the campaign,” a spokesperson said in a statement to the Washington Post.

    Read more here.

  • Erdogan on the drag feature during the Olympics: “Will call the Pope”

    An act during the opening of the Olympics last Friday contained several dancers and people in drag and recalled the last meal that Jesus is said to have shared with his apostles, TT writes.

    Donald Trump has condemned the act, and now Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has also done the same.

    “I will call the Pope as soon as possible to show him this immorality shown against the Christian world and its followers. The Olympic Games have been used as a tool to distort human nature,” Erdogan said during a party meeting.

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also condemned the act.

    “Respect for #JesusChrist… is an undeniable and definitive issue for Muslims. We condemn these insults directed at the sacred figures of divine religions,” Khamenei writes on X.

  • Fossil-free electricity now largest in Europe

    Sun, wind and water have overtaken fossil fuels as the largest energy source for European electricity outlets, writes South Sweden.

    This is stated in a report from the think tank Ember.

    In the first half of 2024, 30 percent of the electricity in the EU came from the greener alternatives, while fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, fell to 27 percent.

  • Stop in train traffic between Norrköping and Linköping

    SJ trains stand still in Norsholm outside Norrköping. The train is going to central Stockholm.

    – It’s a signal error that has been going on since 6 p.m. It applies between Norrköping and Linköping, says Leila Fogelholm, press contact at SJ.

    A witness on the train contacted Aftonbladet and said:

    “The electricity on the train is off due to an electrical fault so it’s getting hot.”

    He feels sorry for the elderly on board.

    “I hear some elderly people who have borrowed each other’s phones to call when their battery is dead. The smell and the heat on the train is terrible”.

  • Big explosion in Beirut

    A large explosion has occurred at the stronghold of the armed group Hezbollah in Beirut, reports Reuters.

    Israel confirms that it carried out an attack in Beirut in retaliation for the rockets fired at the Golan Heights in which twelve children were killed.

    The target is said to have been a high-ranking Hezbollah commander.

  • Helicopter has crashed into building in Ireland – several feared dead

    A helicopter crashed into a building. Photo: Damien Eagers/AP

    A helicopter has crashed into a building in Ireland, writes Sky News.

    Several are feared dead.

    – We cannot at this stage confirm the number, says Pat Hunt, acting fire chief.

    The accident happened at around 3.30pm on Tuesday in Co Westmeath.

    Emergency services are on the scene.


    According to Sky news, two people have died in the accident.

    The persons must be men in their 40s.

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  • Hello! The assistance dog Essie has unfortunately still not been found, but has noted here in the chat that there is great interest and we will of course report as soon as we know anything more! Until then, those of you who missed it can read more about Essie here!

  • 🛎️!🛎️!! Hello!!

    Has there ever been such a long break between answers here in the “column” before? Know that there is a lot going on in the world and that it is holiday time, but still?

    Miss you 💛


    Hi Kurre, yes it seems to have been a bit of an unplanned holiday break here, apologies for that! Nice to hear that you have missed us, we have missed you too ☀️

  • The missing assistance dog Essie, has she recovered?


  • If I have to guess who Larry The Cat likes best if we remove political color 🙂

    1. Sunak = He’s rich as a troll, so if Larry got lobster, sirloin, that’s a good start 🙂 then Sunak kissed Larry 🙂 and Larry let him 🙂

    2. David Cameron = Larry cuddled on his lap 🙂


  • Article about free train cheats. Where do I find it?



    Hello Åsa! You’ll find an article here about Filippa who trains for free and another about how it’s done here.

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