Hungary singled out for making it easier for Russians and Belarusians to obtain visas

Hungary singled out for making it easier for Russians and

Is Hungary opening the door wide to Russian spies? Budapest recently decided to facilitate the entry of Russian and Belarusian citizens into its territory, relaxing its visa rules. This decision has sparked criticism and concern within the European Union.

2 min

The decision of the Hungary raises from ” serious national security concerns “, believes the leader of the EPP, the largest party in the European Parliament. Manfred Weber sent a letter to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, in which he expressed his alarm at the potential risks, according to AFP, which was able to consult it.

Such a policy, he writes, ” could open serious loopholes for espionage activities, and potentially allow large numbers of Russians to enter Hungary without minimal surveillance ” She could also ” facilitate movement » Russians within the Schengen free movement area.

Simplified visa procedures

Recently, the Prime Minister Viktor Orbansigned a decree creating a simplified visa procedure for citizens of eight countries. No quota, possibility to apply in all types of sectors, option of family reunification… After the citizens of Serbia and Ukraine, already eligible, those of Russia, Belarus and several Western Balkan states are now part of the list. Several hundred Russian nationals are currently employed on the construction site of the extension of the Paks nuclear power plant, entrusted to Rostom. Their number could increase further.

The Commission has committed to ” contact the Hungarian authorities on the subject in order to clarify the scope of this program “.

Manfred Weber’s letter has provoked anger in Budapest, which has denounced a ” New hypocritical attack by the pro-war European elite against Hungary “. “ It is precisely the Brussels institutions and the EPP, allied with left-wing forces, who are doing everything in their power to ensure that Hungary is forced to dismantle its border protection and asylum system, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to enter the country, and therefore the European Union. ” wrote the government spokesman on X.

Tensions between Brussels and Budapest, which has held the rotating presidency of the EU Council since 1 July, have been high since the visit in early July of Viktor Orban to Russian President Vladimir Putina ” peace initiative » taken without consultation.

Read alsoEuropean Commission at odds with Hungary after Viktor Orban’s criticised trips
