All-song at Skansen reported: “Inconceivable”

All song at Skansen reported Inconceivable

The summer of 2023 did Pernilla wahlgren, 56, welcomed debut as presenter of Allsång at Skansen. The first season was a success, and on average Pernilla attracted 1.3 million linear viewers per program.

This year, the viewing figures have not been as brilliant. As News24 could reveal earlier this week, this year’s numbers are down to real lows.

Pernilla wahlgren. Image source: Stella Pictures.

On July 16, the Allsången was broadcast with, among others Herreys, Miss Snusk and Peter Joback on stage. The viewing figures then landed at 855,000. That is the worst viewing in several decades – or more precisely since Lasse Berghagen on July 15, 1997, the choir sang along Loa Falkman. That show had 830,000 viewers.

READ MORE: Failure for Allsång at Skansen – worst in 27 years

Three programs remain in this year’s season, and artists such as Ellen Krauss, Uno Svenningson, Miss Li, Orup, Christer Sjögren and Miriam Bryant are some of those who will occupy Solliden’s stage in the future.

Despite the declining viewing figures, this year’s Allsång at Skansen has offered several eventful moments, such as in the premiere program when Pernilla paid tribute to her late father Hans Wahlgren. The move was praised by the viewers, who said that they cried when Hans was also celebrated Evert Taubes song Dansen på Sunnanö.

All-song at Skansen reported: “Inconceivable”

In the second program broadcast on July 2, so appeared Molly Sandén, Peg Parnevik, Tomas Ledin, Omar Rudberg and Mange Schmidt & Byz.

Mange Schmidt & Andreas “Byz” Byström in Allsång at Skansen. Image source: Mickan Mörk/TT Bild

Mange Schmidt started Allsång with his old hit Glassigt, and later the duo performed their new song Lite longer.

It was not viewed with kindly eyes – or ears – by all viewers.

In a report to the Review Board that Nyheter24 has seen, an upset viewer expresses his disappointment with the Swedish rappers’ lyrics.

“Very inappropriate text in a couple of “lyrics”, a couple of guys sang about “Mammak*llare” and also about “your partner is f*t”. I was offended and consider such text highly inappropriate in this day and age 20: 00-21:00 then. Many younger children listened, both on the Skansen and on the TV sofa. In addition, the presenter Pernilla Wahlgren expressed her admiration for that text. It is unimaginable that no one checks what the “artists” are going to “sing/rap” in the program “, the person writes in his report.

Mange Schmidt: “Painfully obvious”

When Nyheter24 reaches Mange Schmidt, he is surprised by the report to the Review Board.

– It is painfully obvious that this person has the wrong focus in life. Reviewing, translating (errors as well) and then completing a report to the review board requires a lot of time and energy. At that time, the person could have focused on one of the world’s real problems instead of attacking two harmless songs that aim to spread joy to people, says Mange Schmidt to Nyheter24.

The lyrics from Mange Schmidt’s hit “Glassigt” made one viewer see red. Image source: SVT
