Maduro blames opposition for violence, Lula and Biden call for results to be published

Maduro blames opposition for violence Lula and Biden call for

On Tuesday, July 30, numerous rallies took place in Venezuela to protest the re-election of Nicolas Maduro, contested by opposition forces and the street. Peaceful demonstrations that nevertheless degenerated and the head of state accuses the opposition of being at the origin of the violence. Lula and Biden called on the Venezuelan authorities to publish the complete results.

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The Venezuelan head of state appeared on television to officially condemn the violence that took place as part of the protests since Mondayunofficially to intimidate the demonstrators, explains our correspondent in Caracas, Alice Campaignolle. Clashes with the police, tear gas, rubber bullets… Tensions have risen throughout the country, causing the death of eleven people and leaving dozens injured.

You are responsible, Mr. Gonzalez Urrutia, for everything that is happening in Venezuela. The criminal violence, the delinquents, the wounded, the dead, the destruction. You will be considered directly responsible, Mr. Gonzalez Urrutia, and you too, Ms. Machado. And justice must be done. In Venezuela, justice must reign. Because these attacks against the people cannot happen again. “, denounced Nicolas Maduro.

The president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, a close friend of the president, called for the opposition leader to be sent to prison for the excesses of recent days. The political polarization in the country is becoming more intense and no way out of the crisis is in sight for the moment.

Read alsoVenezuela: Several dead and injured during protests after the re-election of Nicolas Maduro

Lula and Biden demand publication of results

Meanwhile, Brazilian President Lula and his American counterpart Joe Biden agreed in a telephone conversation on Tuesday on the need to publish the complete results of the presidential election in Venezuela. Lula reiterated that the publication of the minutes of the vote that took place last Sunday is fundamental. Biden agreed on the importance of publishing the minutes “, the Brazilian presidency reported in a statement.

Venezuela’s presidential election results are unreliable ” This is the conclusion of a report published this Tuesday by the Organization of American States, an American institution responsible for monitoring elections around the world.

Fear of a wave of migration

On the diplomatic front, the UNITED STATES had so far avoided rejecting the results, contenting themselves with expressing concerns, specifies our correspondent in New York, Loubna Anaki. Since Sunday evening, Washington has remained cautious. Let’s wait for the detailed results before talking about a fraudulent election.” wrote Adrienne Watson of the Homeland Security Council. These cautious statements contrast with the more assertive reactions of the United States during previous elections in Venezuela or elsewhere in the world when the process lacks transparency.

But the Venezuelan presidential election also comes at a delicate time for the United States, in the midst of an election campaign. And according to some media reports, the Americans’ caution could be linked to the volatile situation inside Venezuela. According to Politico, a large-scale protest movement and a political crisis could exacerbate the migration crisis in the region. Nearly 8 million Venezuelans have fled the country since 2014, and a large number have settled in the United States.

The Biden administration is already heavily criticized for its handling of the immigration file and such a situation would expose it even more to attacks from Republicans.

Read alsoVenezuela: President Nicolas Maduro re-elected for a third term, opposition cries fraud
