Warning: Two-year-old dies in car due to heat, safety rules reminded

Warning Two year old dies in car due to heat safety rules

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    A two-year-old girl has died in La Palme, in the Aude department. She was reportedly left inside by her grandfather while she was taking a nap. In this article, we remind you why you should never leave a child alone in a car, whatever the circumstances.

    A two-year-old girl was left asleep in a car in La Palme, in the Aude department, after going for a walk with her grandfather. Sadly, she died shortly afterwards, as reported by our colleagues at La Dépêche du Midi.

    Indeed, when he returned to his vehicle, the man could only see that the child was in cardio-respiratory arrest. Despite initial first aid measures, then the arrival of emergency services immediately, the child could not be resuscitated.

    Never leave a child alone in a car

    Every summer, similar tragedies occur and children die in similar circumstances. “Leaving your child alone in a car, even with the windows open, makes no sense, it’s criminal. You should never leave a child unattended. The car is an oven and with the heat, a child dehydrates very quickly.” recalls Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo.

    Beware of the risk of accidents too

    In addition to the risk of dehydration, accidents cannot be ruled out. A child left alone in a car may, for example, be tempted to put small items in his mouth such as keys, a pen cap, a toy, a pin, etc. and then swallow them.

    Without an adult present, the child is at risk of suffocation. Other risky situations may arise, such as theft of the vehicle or collision. Without an adult, the child is not protected and may succumb to potential injuries.

    For all these reasons, you should never – absolutely never – leave a child alone in a car, even for a trip that will only last a few minutes, or to avoid waking them from their nap.
