A Mom’s Funny Trick to Stop Her Baby from Crying in the Car

A Moms Funny Trick to Stop Her Baby from Crying

When you go on holiday, any tip to soothe your baby in the car is a good idea. One of them has gone viral on social media, both for its originality and its effectiveness.

We’re not telling you anything new, a car ride with a crying baby is far from being a pleasure. Leaving at a strategic time, singing nursery rhymes or even diversifying toys are rarely enough. Thus, on June 28, a mother and TikTok user revealed the foolproof trick for a most zen journey with baby. A publication that now has more than 17 million views and more than 12,000 comments.

Why didn’t you think of this sooner? Young mother Jacquie Ciccone revealed that a very simple and completely free trick was the key to reassuring your baby in his car seat. And many Internet users are applauding this approach, judging by the many comments: “what a great idea!”, “that’s so clever”, “that’s genius”, “that’s so funny and cute”, “that’s awesome” or “very good tip” are part of the reactions.

So what approach are we talking about? It is very simply a matter of sticking a photo of the mother, big smile, in front of the baby’s face so that the latter can explore it throughout the journey. This can be on your headrest if the baby is traveling facing the road or on the back of the back seat if he is traveling rear-facing. In any case, we can see that the concept works wonderfully for Jacquie Ciccone’s child since he displays a big smile at the sight of the photo of his mother. In short, a method of disconcerting simplicity and effectiveness!

And if the trick becomes less effective over time, why not multiply the photos with several members of the family? In addition to diversifying your child, this will present itself to him as a little game, during which he will have to find where grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, etc. are. A trick to evolve with age!
