Michael C. Hall has first answer as to how his serial killer survived

Michael C Hall has first answer as to how his

Dexter fans experienced a huge surprise this weekend at the San Diego Comic Con: Michael C. Hall’s serial killer is apparently not as dead as the spin-off series Dexter: New Blood led us to believe. Showrunner Clyde Phillips announced two new Dexter series, both with Michael C. Hallbut it was the star himself who first hinted how this was possible.

How can Michael C. Hall come back from the dead as Dexter?

In the prequel series Dexter: Original Sin, which will launch on Paramount+ this December and tells the story of Dexter’s youth as an awakening serial killer, Michael C. Hall will voice the head voice of his younger self as he comments on his life. The close parallels between the old and new actors were even revealed in the revised series intro (see above).

The more mysterious project of the two teased series is, however, Dexter: Resurrectionwhere Michael C. Hall is set to return as the lead actor. Since a spin-off series for Dexter’s son Harrison was announced a year and a half ago, many fans initially speculated that Dexter Morgan could return as his child’s “dark companion”. Just as Dexter was once haunted by visions of his father and sister Debra. In an interview with Variety, however, Michael C. Hall hinted in a different direction:

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It became [wirklich bestätigt, dass Dexter am Ende von New Blood tot ist]? I don’t know what I am authorized to say – except: It’s really cold out there.

We remember: In the finale of Dexter New Blood, the Serial killer shot by his son Harrison and we see him bleed to death in the snow. This ensured for many angry fan reactions, even though it was a coherent series ending. Showrunner Clyde Phillips confirmed to Screenrant at the time: “Dexter is dead. No question, this is the finale of Dexter.”

But statements made outside of a series plot can be retracted or relativized. Michael C. Hall’s reference to the freezing temperatures seems to point to a Last-minute rescue or resuscitation after he officially died. Did the cold constrict his blood vessels and prevent him from bleeding out too quickly?


Dexter’s death in New Blood

In a sequel with the revived Dexter, more old acquaintances returnwhich were already introduced in the New Blood finale. Would an arrested Dexter Morgan then face his old friends and colleagues unmasked as the “Bay Harbor Butcher”? Maybe even in a new advisory role, modeled on a captured Hannibal Lecter, to hunt down other serial killers (or his son?)?

When does Dexter: Resurrection start and where can you stream the series?

We will have to wait a little longer to find out the final solution to Dexter’s awakening mystery. While the prequel Original Sin will celebrate its series premiere this December 2024, filming for Dexter: Resurrection will not begin until January 2025. However, the series is set to start in Summer 2025 at Paramount+.

All 8 seasons of Dexter stream on Netflix, JoynPLUS, RTL+ and Paramount+. The first spin-off Dexter: New Blood, however, streams exclusively on Paramount+.

Dexter: New Blood – The podcast about the series return

Many old series are currently returning with revivals after a long absence. Dexter also did this on Sky with Dexter: New Blood and we are discussing in the stream browsing whether the reunion with Michael C. Hall’s serial killer was successful or not.

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After the season 8 finale of Dexter went down in history as one of the worst series endings, the new finale of Dexter: New Blood was once again met with controversy. But is the sometimes harsh criticism justified?
