Google Lens search engine in Chrome will be better

Google Lens search engine in Chrome will be better

It remains the most used browser in the world. Chrome The Google Lens-based visual search engine in the is coming.

Google Chrome An update to the interface of the visual search engine is coming soon, by selecting “Google Lens” in it to doWith this update, the system will be accessible directly from the right side of the address bar and a Chrome-specific “Circle to Search” system will soon become more elegant for everyone. So what exactly was the Circle to Search system we mentioned above? For those who missed it Samsung Galaxy S24 “The family is well-developed”Galaxy AI” called artificial intelligence or generative artificial intelligence comes with its infrastructure and as a part of this infrastructure Google The Circle to Search system developed by is also being put into operation. If you haven’t seen it before, this infrastructure focuses on the visual search side, where people search for photos/images Allows you to search by drawing a circle or a random drawing.

In this way, it is possible to quickly search the desired part of an opened photo, for example, a bag or clothing in the photo can be easily found, or the details of a vehicle or historical building can be learned. This infrastructure focuses specifically on Android phones.can also perceive text and answer additional questions asked on the selected object with productive artificial intelligence. Google, which has received great acclaim with “Circle to Search”, has also offered the feature in its own Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, as well as in the Galaxy S24 series.
