Politico: US does not believe conflict will expand in Middle East | News in brief

According to the representative of the White House, a diplomatic solution to the situation can be found.

According to the US, the expansion of the conflict between Israel and the extremist organization Hezbollah has been exaggerated, says Politico magazine.

A representative of the US National Security Council told reporters about this on Monday John Kirby, who based his views on the conversations he had. According to him, a diplomatic solution to the situation can be found.

– Our will should be in that, and especially not in a military solution that directly involves the US military.

A rocket attack was carried out on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Saturday, killing 12 children and young people. Israel and the United States have blamed the attack on Hezbollah, which has denied it.

Israel has threatened to respond to a rocket attack. The night before Monday, the members of the country’s security cabinet authorized the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Minister of Defense by Yoav Gallant to decide on the manner and timing of the counterstrike against Hezbollah.
