Heatwave alert for Olympic sites in Île-de-France

Heatwave alert for Olympic sites in Ile de France.webp

A heatwave alert has been issued in the southern half of France before being extended to the north of the country, with a yellow alert on Tuesday, July 30 for the Olympic sites in Île-de-France, where temperatures are expected to reach around 35°C, Météo France announced on Monday, July 29. The French meteorological organization is talking about a ” heatwave episode of relatively short duration but particularly intense “. ” These high temperatures are progressing towards the north of the country. 36°C (will be) reached or exceeded over a large part of the country “, forecasters predict. In Paris and the Paris region, (…) maximum temperatures will reach 34 to 36°C on Tuesday and will drop on Wednesday “, according to the forecast, with the possibility of thunderstorms” which will spread from the Centre-West towards the Belgian and German borders via the Paris region “The heat wave will directly affect Olympic athletes and spectators at the competitions, even though the Olympic Organising Committee (OCOG) has assured that it has not planned to postpone any events for the time being.
