FBI to interrogate Donald Trump – wants his “perspective”

Donald Trump will be questioned as a plaintiff after the assassination attempt he was subjected to in Pennsylvania, AP reports.
The FBI has not yet been able to clarify any motive for the act and now wants to hear Trump to get his perspective on the incident.

Trump, who has been highly critical of the FBI, has agreed to be questioned. The questioning is part of the standard procedure for how the FBI holds interviews with those involved during a criminal investigation.

“We want to get his perspective on what he observed. It’s a normal questioning that we would do with any other crime victim, under any other circumstances,” FBI investigator Kevin Rojek told the AP.

Clearer picture of perpetrator and sequence of events

At the same time, the FBI has already conducted hundreds of interviews and says they are beginning to get a clearer picture of the course of events and of the perpetrator. In the interrogations, a picture of the shooter Thomas Matthew Cook emerges as a withdrawn 20-year-old who had few friends and who spent most of his time with his family.

According to the FBI, the perpetrator’s parents have been very helpful in the investigation.

“Crook’s parents have been extremely cooperative. They have said they had no knowledge of the son’s plans,” FBI investigator Kevin Rojek told the AP. He adds that the investigators have no reason to doubt that this is the case.

The motive remains unclear

No motive for the assassination attempt on Donald Trump has been determined, but the planning behind it must have been extensive, according to the FBI. On the same day that Crooks reported to Trump’s campaign meeting, he googled “how far away was Oswald from Kennedy?”. Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed President John F. Kennedy in November 1963.

In addition, Crooks scoured the web for information about mass shootings, improvised explosive devices, power plants, and the May assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico.
