Several countries warn their citizens ahead of protests planned for Thursday

Several countries warn their citizens ahead of protests planned for

Two days before the planned demonstrations in Nigeria, tensions are rising. The authorities are issuing warnings calling on Nigerians not to take to the streets. The organizers of these demonstrations against the rising cost of living and poor governance fear an intense repression. The United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are warning their nationals in Nigeria.

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It is a call for vigilance ahead of the demonstrations, which are expected to be very well-attended. The British Foreign Office advises against all travel to at least seven states in northern Nigeria as well as the “riparian areas” of the Niger Delta region.

For its part, the US Embassy in Nigeria has asked American citizens to avoid ” crowds ” And ” events ” Canadian authorities have issued a similar notice, citing ” peaceful demonstrations that can turn violent at any time “.

On social media, hashtags like #RevolutionNow are trending. Nigerian youth are mobilizing against, according to them, the poor governance of Tinubu Ball.

A serious economic crisis hits the country. The increase in food prices exceeds 40% and the end of the fuel subsidy decided a year ago by the president has caused huge inflation. Gasoline supply disruptions have also been observed in several cities. Thus, gas stations were besieged this weekend, particularly in Abuja. The national oil company justifies this shortage by blockages during ship unloading, an argument that struggles to reassure the population.

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