These revelations from South Korean intelligence on the future of Kim Jong-un – L’Express

These revelations from South Korean intelligence on the future of

Will Kim Jong-un’s successor be… a female successor? The North Korean leader is reportedly preparing his teenage daughter to take over as leader of the country, Seoul’s intelligence service told South Korean lawmakers on Monday, July 29.

The girl, Kim Ju Ae, whose age has not been confirmed, has been seen alongside her father on several occasions since 2022, suggesting she could one day succeed him as the fourth generation ruler of the world’s only communist dynasty.

The National Intelligence Service (NIS) believes she has been chosen as the successor, Rep. Lee Seong-kweun told reporters after the NIS briefing. “Pyongyang is clearly grooming Kim Ju Ae as an heir, which indicates she is the most likely person to succeed” the current leader, the South Korean lawmaker added.

“Severely overweight”

The NIS also told lawmakers that Kim Jong-un was “significantly overweight,” weighing “about 140 kilograms,” which put him at “high risk for heart disease.” The North Korean leader, a known cigarette smoker, was thought to have had symptoms of high blood pressure and diabetes since he was just past the age of 30, lawmaker Lee Seong-kweun said, citing the National Intelligence Service.

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According to the NIS’s explanation to South Korean lawmakers, Pyongyang appears to be adjusting Kim Ju Ae’s level of public exposure to monitor how North Koreans react to her potential role in succeeding the current leader. More than half of her trips with her father have been related to military activities such as supervising drills, the NIS told lawmakers.

In March, Kim Ju Ae was given the highly honorary title of “hyangdo” in Korean (“great advisor”) by state media, suggesting she could succeed Kim Jong-un. “Noting the use of the term ‘hyangdo’, reserved for a leader or his successor, the NIS believes that the succession plan is taking shape to some extent,” another lawmaker, Park Sun-won, told reporters.

Another child?

However, the National Intelligence Service has not ruled out the possibility that another child could emerge as an alternative in the succession plan, according to Rep. Park Sun-won, as North Korea has not made any announcement on the succession.

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Before 2022, the only confirmation of Kim Ju Ae’s existence came from former American NBA star Dennis Rodman. He claimed to have met a daughter of the leader named Ju Ae during a visit to North Korea in 2013. Seoul had initially said the North Korean leader and his wife Ri Sol Ju, a former pop star who reportedly married him in 2009, had welcomed their first child, a boy, in 2010, and that Ju Ae was their second. But in 2023, South Korea’s unification minister said the government was “unable to confirm the existence” of Kim Jong-un’s son.

Kim Jong-un, probably born in 1983 or 1984, was not yet 30 when he succeeded his father Kim Jong Il in December 2011. His sister Kim Yo Jong is also considered an influential figure.

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North Korea has been dominated since 1948 by the Kim dynasty, also called the “Paektu lineage”, named after a sacred mountain which is the legendary cradle of the Korean people and where, according to North Korean propaganda, Kim Jong Il was born, having succeeded his father Kim Il Sung.
