Protesters demand resignation of President Dina Boluarte after long speech

Protesters demand resignation of President Dina Boluarte after long speech

As Peru celebrated its independence on Sunday, July 28, President Dina Boluarte, in office for one year and seven months, took the opportunity to address the nation in a five-hour speech. After blaming ousted former president Pedro Castillo for the country’s paralysis, she listed a hard-to-verify list of development projects, infrastructure and allocated budgets. This came as a demonstration was taking place in downtown Lima demanding her resignation.

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According to recent polls, 91% of Peruvians disapprove of the government’s policies. However, a sparse procession formed on Sunday, July 28, in the center of Lima, the capital of Peruto once again demand the resignation of the president Dina Boluarte and denounce the hegemony of the Congress, with its very conservative majority, in politics and institutions.

His government came to power after President Pedro Castillo was ousted, saying he had left behind a country that was paralyzed, divided and in recession.

There were barely 300 in front of the Palace of Justice in Lima, 10 times fewer than the day before, but still with the same anger. Augusto has just listened to the presidential speech: ” She only told lies. In reality, we are living a dictatorship of mafias, present in political parties that only govern for themselves. ” he told our correspondent in Lima, Juliette Chaignon.

For several months, Peruvian and international organizations have been denouncing the weakening of democracy, which worries Ana Maria: ” Without separation of powers, it is obvious that we do not have democracy. “.

And for this protester, the announcement of a new Ministry of Infrastructure does not bode well: ” We have high levels of corruption, the last thing we should have done was to create a ministry that is going to handle large sums of money. “.

A recent report by Amnesty International pointed out the president’s responsibility in the repression which had fallen on the protest, more than a year and a half ago. The response to the protest movement which had left a thousand injured and 50 dead.

Maria Carmen’s brother was among the victims. Present in the procession, she said she was outraged to learn, during the speech, of the increase in salaries for police officers and soldiers: ” If there is budget to raise these assassins, why is it not used to revalue the minimum wage. How can one live on 275 dollars a month? ? »

The Peruvian president preferred to praise the slight economic recovery, omitting to mention the increase in the poverty rate, which has now reached 30% in Peru.

Also listen toWhy Peru’s insurgents are challenging the model that brought prosperity
