Left accuses Macron of “sabotage” and increases pressure

Left accuses Macron of sabotage and increases pressure

The New Popular Front is demanding that a new government be appointed quickly, with Lucie Castets at its head, so that the left can prepare a draft budget before the start of the school year.

The essential

  • Emmanuel Macron has postponed the appointment of a new Prime Minister and government until after the Olympic Games, i.e. not before “mid-August”. For the time being, it is therefore the resigning government of Gabriel Attal that is managing current affairs.
  • Consequently, it is the Attal government that is preparing the finance bill that will be presented to Parliament at the beginning of October, with a view to the 2025 budget. A situation that displeases the left, which still hopes to form an executive after its victory in the legislative elections: on Saturday, environmentalist Marine Tondelier accused Emmanuel Macron of “sabotage”.
  • “The President of the Republic must put an end to the unprecedented paralysis that we are experiencing,” Lucie Castets adds in La Tribune Dimanche. In the event of nomination to Matignon, the candidate of the New Popular Front says she is ready for “compromises, except with the National Rally.”


17:17 – The 2025 budget vote disrupted by the late appointment of a new government?

At the start of the school year, Parliament will very quickly see the vote on the finance bill, which will define the State budget for the year 2025. The Constitution provides that this text must arrive before the National Assembly no later than the first Tuesday in October. Consequently, summer is usually the time for preparations for this major bill, drawn up by the government in consultation with the administrations.

Except that by October, a new government should be appointed, a logical consequence of the legislative elections that marked the defeat of the Macronist camp. Currently, it is the resigning government of Gabriel Attal that is working on the drafting of the PLF. This is enough to make the left jump, which still hopes to form an executive in the coming months, strong from its victory in the legislative elections. However, the more Emmanuel Macron delays, the less time the new government will have to prepare its own budget project, and therefore the field will be free to implement its program.

15:36 – Emmanuel Macron omnipresent at the Olympic Games, far from the political crisis

The head of state has requested an “Olympic and political truce” and intends to take advantage of it. Emmanuel Macron attended the judo and fencing events on Saturday, then the victory of the French team in rugby 7s. He could not resist going to hug Antoine Dupont at the edge of the field. A way, no doubt, to associate himself with the French enthusiasm around the competition and to make people forget the political context of the country, by dodging requests concerning the appointment of the new government.

15:12 – 2025 Budget: Marine Tondelier accuses Emmanuel Macron of “sabotage”

The national secretary of EELV is calling on Emmanuel Macron to quickly appoint a Prime Minister of the New Popular Front. “From now on, if he refuses, it is sabotage because we know that in the departments of the ministries, the budget is currently being prepared, and that if we are appointed in three weeks, we will be able to do fewer things than if we are appointed now,” pointed out Marine Tondelier, this Saturday in Lille, where she accompanied Lucie Castets.

The environmentalist fears that the president will wait until the end of the Paralympic Games to appoint the new government. “On September 15, it will be almost too late for many things” concerning the finance bill, deplores Tondelier.

14:42 – Lucie Castets promises a “major tax reform” if appointed to Matignon

The financial director of the Paris city hall continues to believe in her accession to the post of Prime Minister. In La Tribune Dimanche, she unfolds part of the program of the New Popular Front. Its “primary objective is not to respect the stability and growth pact,” she warns. Lucie Castets, however, promises to “seek tax and social revenues of 150 billion euros by 2027, in order to finance our program and reduce the deficit.”

Lucie Castets is planning “a major tax reform” concerning “the progressivity of income tax”, which should result in a “tax reduction” for “a large proportion of households”.

14:25 – Emmanuel Macron “must put an end to the unprecedented paralysis we are experiencing”, demands Lucie Castets

Lucie Castets does not accept Emmanuel Macron’s decision to delay the appointment of a new government. “The President of the Republic must put an end to the unprecedented paralysis we are experiencing. He must take seriously the “The result of the legislative elections and put the political party that came out on top, the New Popular Front, into government. We assume that it will respect the logic of the institutions of the Republic,” she said in an interview with La Tribune Dimanche.

If appointed to Matignon, Lucie Castets says she is ready to make “compromises, except with the RN”.

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How soon will the new government be appointed?

Emmanuel Macron called for a “political truce” for the duration of the Olympic Games, while Gabriel Attal’s government resigned on July 16. The President of the Republic estimated that no new government would be appointed before “mid-August”, preferring “stability” for the duration of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Given the composition of the National Assembly, the President of the Republic has set himself the task of finding a Prime Minister capable of gathering the support of at least 289 deputies, in order to ensure stability. The same applies to the ministers that the latter will then have to propose. Otherwise, the new government as a whole would be exposed to a motion of censure which, if voted for by more than half of the elected representatives, would lead to the overthrow of the ministerial team. It would therefore be necessary to start all over again.

The problem is that Emmanuel Macron will have to accommodate all sensitivities, from the left of course, from the center naturally, but also from the right. If the NFP came out on top, the head of state has already ruled out governing with the LFI deputies. So out goes these sixty elected officials, who could be compensated by the sixty LR who should once again join the Palais Bourbon. Finding personalities who suit the ecologists, socialists, communists, macronists and republicans will not be easy. Not to mention the programmatic points on which everyone will have to agree. The negotiations are still expected to be long and complex. Suffice to say that Gabriel Attal should make extra…

Long and complex negotiations also took place on the left, before the NFP reached an agreement, on Tuesday July 23, just one hour before Emmanuel Macron’s interview on France 2. After several weeks of procrastination, the left-wing parties of the NFP agreed on the name of the senior civil servant, spokesperson for Our Public Services, Lucie Castets, for Matignon.
