Intelligence services hit by data leak concerning its agents

Intelligence services hit by data leak concerning its agents

Confidential information about South Korean secret agents has been extracted from the servers of the KDIC, the military’s secret service. An investigation has been opened into what may have already compromised some agents in service, particularly those working on North Korean files.

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With our correspondent in Seoul, Celio Fioretti

A data leak occurred last month, according to the Ministry of the Armed Forces. South KoreaThe accident was caused by data stored on a civil servant’s personal computer that should not have been there. Since it did not have the security offered by secret service computers, the confidential data could easily have been hacked.

The official will soon be questioned by his superiors to explain why top-secret files were present on his personal computer. Betrayal or mistake? The investigation will determine. In any case, South Korean intelligence must prepare for any eventuality because they believe that the information from its agents was sent in North Korea.

Undercover agents have been recalled to South Korea before. This is not the first time that confidential data has escaped into the wild. In 2018, a South Korean official was arrested for selling confidential information abroad for nearly five years.

For its part, the South Korean Ministry of Defense specified in its press release on Saturday that “ Military authorities are currently investigating the matter. “, without confirming the details published by Yonhap. The military intends to handle the case ” with severity, in accordance with laws and regulations, depending on the results of the investigation “, the ministry added.

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