Project 2025 – here are the plans that Donald Trump is trying to defeat

“A plan to take America back to a dark past”.

This is how future presidential candidate Kamala Harris describes the concept that has become a cornerstone of the Democrats’ strategy to defeat Trump. What goes by the name “Project 2025.”

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  • It can be simply described as a 900 page long “to do” list for Donald Trump should he win the election. The plans have been developed by the think tank “The Heritage Foundation” together with a long list of other conservative organizations.

    That documents of this kind are presented in connection with elections is nothing new, explains Merrick Tabor, political scientist at Stockholm University.

    – They actually started with this in 1980, but it has developed since then. This is the most comprehensive and perhaps the most extreme thing that has been developed so far, he says.

    More power to the president

    When Merrick Tabor describes the plans as extreme, he is mainly referring to the section that concerns the American political system. Project 2025 proposes sweeping changes unprecedented in modern American history.

    – It includes elements of giving the president an enormous amount of power, reclassifying thousands of civil servants so that they are no longer seen as non-political civil servants but as political appointees. Then you can fire them and replace them with people who are prepared to pursue this policy.

    “There are no obstacles”

    What many are wondering now is what connections Trump has to the plans. A mapping done by CNN shows that 140 people involved in the project also served in Trump’s presidential administration.

    At the same time, the presidential candidate claims that he hardly knows what it is. Merrick Tabor has a hard time believing him.

    – He himself has given a speech before the Heritage foundation, he has met the leader and many of his employees have worked together with them, so there are very strong connections.
