Credit driving licence for companies from 1st October 2024

Work Calderone legitimate Cgil Uil strike but the answer is dialogue

(Finance) – The “credit license” for companies, which will come into force on October 1, 2024aims to improve the qualification of companies and attention to safety measures at work. This was declared by the Minister of Labour, Marina Calderone, to Rainews24.

“The credit-based driving licence will start on October 1st, 2024 and it is a process in which our objective is to focus on qualification of companies and on the attention of companies to all the principals of the safetyincluding training, which is essential to inform and above all support workers in order to better manage all the activities that are carried out during a day, during a work shift,” explained the minister.

Calderone underlined the importance of this commitment, which began sixteen years ago, to provide companies and control bodies with a tool that provides immediate information on the activities carried out, investments in health and safety and certifications obtained. “For us, it means a big commitment – he added – we have taken it on, 16 years after the introduction of the law with the desire to provide companies and all the subjects who must then verify the correctness of the activities of a tool that immediately provides information on what that company is doing in terms of activities, in terms of investments in health and safety, additional investments on this topic, certifications. When they say that the credit license will allow companies to have one hundred points, they are clearly not telling the truth”.

“The credit-based driving licence – continued the minister – has the aim of highlighting what is the business qualification process. Certainly those who have an incorrect management of the obligations do not benefit from a tool of this type, but this is not our objective, which is to make a difference in positive terms: on the one hand certainly by intensifying the controls, making them increasingly qualified, increasingly incisive, connecting the databases, on the other hand also highlighting those that are virtuous processes. We take into account that the institution of the credit license is one of the strong points of the requests made by the unions to all governments in the last 16 years.”

Calderone highlighted the‘The importance of inspections in ensuring workplace safetythanks to the investments made to increase the number of inspectors and improve the coordination of the inspection forces. “The inspections are certainly increasing also due to the effect of the investments we have made in terms of inspectors and then also in terms of greater coordination of the inspection forces. Through the inspections it is possible to detect what are the irregularity, but they also send important signals that there is a careful presence in the territories and therefore it is important that people understand how fundamental this is today, with respect to events such as the incredible and horrendous death of Satnam Singhto intervene to restore”, said the minister.

Calderone noted a positive trend from recent inspections: “What we are seeing from recent inspections – he added – is a reversal of the trend, there are in increase in work contracts in some particular areas of our country and there is a return to regularity. This is our goal: to highlight that today being in compliance is important. Today many companies are, because we certainly must not demonize various sectors, there is the situation in which someone does not respect the rules, but many respect them”.

The “credit driving licence” system represents a significant step towards the qualification of companies and the promotion of safety in the workplace, responding to the demands of the unions and contributing to a safer and more regulated working environment.
