Germaine Tillion at the Pantheon – The march of the world

Germaine Tillion at the Pantheon The march of the

La Marche du monde offers you a sound portrait of Germaine Tillion. A woman in the Pantheon of the French Republic.

Ethnologist and resistance fighter, Germaine Tillion has always been a woman of action. In 1934, she went to southern Algeria to study, but also to help the populations of the Aurès. Returning to France at the time of the capitulation, she immediately resisted and set up a network. Deported, she supported her comrades, and studied the camp to be able to bear witness to its reality.

With a brisk step and a lively mind, Germaine Tillion has always combined her work and her commitment. With sincerity, intelligence, and a touch of mischief, she wanted to transmit and share her experience with the younger generations. Thanks to our sound archives, you will be able to hear the voice and thoughts of Germaine Tillion.

With RFI sound archives and our guest: Laurent Douzou, historian specializing in the Second World War and the Resistance.

Show originally aired in May 2015.

Germaine Tillion’s books mentioned in the show :

  • “Ravensbruck”Paris, Points-Seuil, 1997
  • “Africa is shifting towards the future », Paris, Editions Tirésias-Michel Reynaud, 1999
  • “Complementary enemies, Algerian War », Preface by Jean Daniel, Paris, Éd. Tirésias, 2005
  • “Once upon a time there was ethnography », Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 2000, 292 p.
  • “The Verfügbar in Hell, an operetta in Ravensbrück », 2015, published by Seuil.

To read by Laurent Douzou :

The Resistance: A Morality in Action “, Collection Gallimard DiscoveriesSeries History.

Germaine Tillion facing Niger (1970).

Besançon is the only city in France to have the entire archive fund patiently built up by Germaine Tillion on the deportation of French women to Ravensbrück.

The Museum of Resistance and Deportation in Besançon.

To listen :

The CD Chronicles of Resistance, published by Nato.

Nato music.
