Santorini is overwhelmed by the number of tourists, say many islanders | Foreign countries

Santorini is overwhelmed by the number of tourists say many

The administration of Santorini wants to limit the number of tourists coming especially on cruise ships. 3.4 million visitors visited the island last year.

For many, the picture of a dream holiday in Greece is crystallized in a blue-and-white picture of the island of Santorini.

The blue roofs of the churches and the bright white buildings have been immortalized on millions of cell phones. Photographers flock to the island not only by air but also by sea, for example on large cruise ships.

Last year there were as many as 3.4 million visitors, say the Greek authorities. There are only less than 20,000 permanent residents on the island, and now many of them have begun to complain about the large number of tourists.

– Our quality of life has decreased, said the Hotelkeeper Georgios Damigos news agency Reuters.

The price of housing has increased. In addition, the island’s infrastructure suffers.

The Santorini administration wants to limit the number of tourists. Mayor Nikos Zorzos says that he has been trying for years to pressure the Greek authorities to limit the establishment of new Accommodations. He suggests that a maximum of 8,000 cruise passengers be taken per day, while the number is currently 17,000 per day.

Not everyone criticizes the increase in tourist numbers

Representing the Santorini Merchants Association Alexandros Pelekanos is satisfied with the growth of tourism on the island.

– Do we want to make money? You can’t want peaceful conditions and income at the same time, Pelekanos tells Reuters.

About 33 million tourists visited Greece last year. Every tenth of them also went to Santorini.

The whole of Greece is experiencing a boom in tourism. According to the authorities, tourism revenues increased by 16 percent in the early part of this year compared to last year.

Venice and Barcelona, ​​where there have been demonstrations in favor of restricting tourism, are also affected by the lack of tourism.
